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MANY PEOPLE WERE STILL ASLEEP IN THE EARLY HOURS OF DECEMBER 26TH. Ebony, however, had slept better than any other night that year which means she is awake and well-rested. She had decided to take a stroll around the Hogwarts grounds with her brother today. 

Ebony wears a dark green dress with fur on the inside which she had bought in Hogsmeade once upon a time and a black cape over it to make sure she stays warm. Cedric, however, is wearing a normal yellow coat and some black trousers underneath. 

"I saw you at the Yule Ball yesterday, you looked so happy, you almost made me jealous." Cedric comments, their feet leave footsteps in the thick layered snow. 

"I hadn't been that happy in a while." Ebony admits. "Besides, Fred is great company." 

"You know, the whole news of you two dating came as a surprise for me when you first announced it." Cedric explains. "I mean, you had never talked about him that way and you never showed any signs of crushing but when I stumbled upon the two of you yesterday evening, everything made sense." 

"You heard all that?"

"Most of it." Cedric admits. "I'm happy for you but. . . next time, come to me when someone is bothering you, okay? I know next year you will have to do it on your own but for now I'm still here, mind as well use that."

"I thought many times why I didn't come to you. . . I mean, you were busy with the Triwizard Tournament but that wasn't the reason I didn't talk to you about Derrick. It's just, Fred was always there and at the time, he was perfect to distract me from it." 

"You must've been in love with him for longer than you let on." Cedric states, stopping when they reach the Black Lake. He reaches into the pocket of his coat and takes out a letter. "This one arrived yesterday, I thought it was for me so I opened it but realized it was for you." He hands her the letter. "I'm sorry." Ebony chuckles and opens the letter.

Dear Ebony,

I have so many questions on your double-sided words but for my sake, I won't ask any of them. I am beyond impressed that you figured out that I am keeping Sirius safe in my house for a while. Nobody would come here to look for him, so don't worry about your father.

I would love it if you decided to spent your next summer with us, it would give all of us the time to have some family-bonding. I look forward to your arrival but I need you to succeed in your grades first, we can talk about your holiday later.

How was the Yule Ball? I reckon it already passed when this letter arrive, if not, answer my question afterwards. I'm sure you looked gorgeous in Esme's dress. I knew her only briefly but she always stood out in her expensive outfits. Almost as much as Katherine did.

Write to you soon,
Much love,
Moony and Padfoot.

Ebony reads over the name a couple of times again. Katherine. . . Ebony has no clue who this woman was but she's going to find out. She had almost forgotten her brother's presence until he clears his throat next to her. She looks at him.

"You should send one of the photos that were taken yesterday to them." Cedric states. Ebony frowns at him. "Oh, come on, you're not gonna tell me that you had no clue people were making photos." 


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