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SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH -- MOVE-IN DAY. Ebony was kind of excited knowing she was moving out of 12 Grimmauld Place and would instead live permanently with her two best friends in an apartment above the Weasley shop. She was glad they were able to do so.

"Alright, have you gotten everything?" Remus asked, looking at her as she had the luggage in her hands. It was the last thing she needed to bring over. 

"I do, it is for real now." Ebony replied and looked at the man next to her. "Again, thank you for everything. I'm glad you were always there for me. Expect tons of owls in which I will send you updates on my life." Remus chuckled and hummed.

"Sounds about right." He wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug and rubbed up and down her back gently. "I love you, kid." 

"I love you too, Moony." 

They pulled away, Ebony took her last suitcase and waved before apparating to the apartment. 



Smut under this, if you are younger than eighteen, please do not read.
If you do, then that is on you not on me.


She put her luggage down and looked around. Fred sat on the kitchen counter, waiting for her to arrive and when he realized she did, he stood up and walked over.

"Welcome home, honey." He said with a smile on his face. "Always wanted to say that." Ebony chuckled.

"Where's George? Isn't he supposed to be here?" 

"I don't quite know, he said he needed to speak to someone. I reckon he is currently telling Lee about move-in day." Fred explained to which Ebony chuckled.

"That indeed is a very George-thing to do." Ebony agreed with a smile. 

She took her suitcase and walked into the bedroom she would be sharing with Fred. It was suddenly very real and it made her heart flip in excitement. The white and lilac walls, the soft beige colored bedsheets and the light wooden nighstands made for a very pretty room.

She had just put the suitcase down when she felt two arms wrap around her waist from behind. Ebony leaned back against her boyfriend's chest and smiled in contentment. Somehow, she knew this would be happening many more times. 

"So, as we are the only ones home and we have not yet tested the bed. . . want to see if it is comfortable?" Fred asked her, a slight suggestive tone in his voice which didn't go unnoticed by her. Ebony chuckled, turning her head and looking into her boyfriend's mischievous eyes.

"And how were you planning on testing this out?" She asked to which Fred smirked and turned her around. He closed the door with his foot and kissed her. She immediately leaned into him and enjoyed knowing this was the first time in a very long while.

His hands moved underneath her shirt, she raised her arms so he could pull the fabric off of her. "I love you." Fred muttered against her lips to which she smiled and pulled him impossibly closer to her. 

"I love you more." Fred smirked and bended down a little to pick her up into his arms. 

"Impossible." He walked towards the bed and laid her down gently. He climbed on top of her and smirked before reaching for her neck and leaving kisses and gentle marks there. His hands moved down her body as hers were nestled in his perfect messy ginger hair. 

His fingers reached the waistband of her trousers, he looked up at her to ask permission but before he could, Ebony nodded back at him. He smirked and gave her a quick kiss before pulling down her pants. He threw the fabric somewhere on the ground before returning to his position.

Fred's fingers began to rub circles on her clit over her panties. A moan left her lips at the stimulation. He moved her panties to the side and dipped one finger down to prod at her entrance. Her back arched off the mattress when he entered her slowly and began trusting his finger at a steady pace. 

"Doing so well for me, sweetheart." She felt like she was in heaven, his words only added to the feeling. Fred added another finger inside of her as his thumb began to rub over her clit again. It was almost too much, she hadn't felt this good in a while and it made her head spin. 

"Fuck, Freddie--" A broken moan left her lips as he curled his fingers up inside of her. "Please."

"Please what, darling? What are you begging for?" Oh he loved this, his teasing smirk told her but she was too far gone to care whether or not he was smug about this.

"Please fuck me."

"I will." Fred replied but grinned. "But not before I have a taste." He retreated his hand, Ebony let out a sound of disapproval before she felt his mouth suck on her clit. The new sensation was enough to bring her over the edge. She grabbed the bedsheets tightly and closed her eyes as her back arched off the mattress and she folded underneath him. Once she came down from her high, he pulled away and smiled up at her. "You always taste so nice, my favorite flavor."

"Oh, shut it and get to fucking me already." Ebony said and playfully slapped him. Fred chuckled.

"So bossy and impatient." He mumbled before getting rid of his pants and boxers and also getting rid of her panties. He tossed the clothing on the floor and lined himself up with her entrance. He grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers before pushing inside of her. 

Ebony's eyes shut and her mouth opened slightly at the feeling of his cock stretching her out. She had forgotten how big he was, how amazing it felt and how much she craved this. "You're doing so well for me, angel." Fred whispered as he pulled out slowly before pushing back harshly. He began to follow a rhythm, one that had her head spinning.

"Open your eyes, darling. Look at me." Fred told her to which she obeyed. Her moans got louder as she reached up to hold onto her boyfriend's shoulders. He continuesly managed to hit her G-spot. Her walls began to spasm around him, her toes curled at the feeling and she knew if they had direct neighbors, they would've already complained.

"So close." Ebony muttered and threw her head back when she felt Fred's fingers toy with her clit.

"Nothing is stopping you, sweetheart." 

She lost herself in the feeling, everything was just too good to be true. She came undone, the knot in her stomach snapped and her orgasm washed over her in extreme waves of pleasure.  A couple trusts later and Fred stilled his hips, cuming inside of her. Both their breathing was heavy.

"I think the bed is perfectly comfortable, what do you think?" Fred asked to which Ebony laughed as he pulled out of her.

"Romance killer."

"Alright, call me all you want but everyone in the near distance has heard how well I treat you." Fred stated with a smug smirk. "Let's get you cleaned up, shall we?"


Written: 26/07/2023

Word Count: 1188

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