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HOWEVER HARD EBONY HAD TRIED, she couldn't focus anymore after she had heard the conversation between the professors and Minister Fudge. Fred had obviously noticed her absent behaviour but he decided not to comment on it where Lee and George were at. 

Instead, Ebony walked back to the castle through the passage way. Harry had past her not too long ago, he seemed to be in a hurry but Ebony didn't care. She realized that he was right after all. Everyone thinks she's evil, as rotten as her father but she wants to know the truth and to her, there was only one way of finding out. 

"Care to explain to me everything until the very last detail?" She asks, barging into Professor Lupin's office, catching the poor man off guard.

"Ebony, what can I do for you?" She steps inside and closes the door behind her before turning towards Remus with a very serious look on her face.

"I need to know what happened after you graduated Hogwarts... it's important." 

"Why the curiosity all of a sudden?" Professor Lupin asks, folding his hands on his desk. 

"I overheard some professors speaking, they said that Sirius was Harry's Godfather and that he was the Potter's secret keeper. I want to know everything." Ebony hadn't realized that she started ranting and her breathing rapidly increases. 

"Ebony, breathe please."

"I just want to know." She cries, tears of frustration streaming down her face. "I have to know, I can't take this any longer!" Remus stands up, walking over to her and gently placing his hands on her shoulders. 

"Ebony, listen to me, calm down." She tries, she really does but the walls of the room seem to come closer with every passing second. "Do as I say, breathe in." Remus does it first which automatically makes Ebony inhale too. "Breathe out." She does and repeats the same thing a couple of times before she's back to normal. "Here, eat this, you'll feel better." Remus says, handing her some chocolate which she gladly takes. 

"Now sit down, please." Ebony listens to him, sitting down in the chair. Professor Lupin leans against his desk and crosses his arms over his chest while looking at her while she nibbles on the chocolate he had just given her. "You're lucky I'm familiar with panic attacks. How come you're so worked up?" 

"Everyone thinks I'm evil." She replies.

"Nonsense, where did you get that idea?"

"I heard Fudge saying it himself." Remus stares at her for a moment before sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"What an idiot." He breathes out. "What would you like to know?"

"Everything." Remus smiles down at her. "How could a man like Sirius Black have a daughter only a year after graduating Hogwarts?"

"You did the math, huh?" asks Lupin, Ebony nods. "Well, we honestly had no idea. You were just there one night."

"What?" Ebony asks, confusion taking over her mind. Remus chuckles.

"It was the end of summer, I remember spending a lot of time at the Potter's residence with Peter, my other best friend. Sirius once came inside holding a basket with an adorable baby girl inside. There was a note, it had your name and birthday written on it, nothing more. We never knew who your mother was, we didn't question it either but something told me Sirius knew...

"He was confused and absolutely unprepared so Lily -- as the clever caring person she was -- decided to boss him and James around for a while. We all decided to help take care of you because there was nothing that gave us greater joy than a little girl we could teach about life. I mean it.

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