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SUMMER SEEMED TO BRING A BUNCH OF NOISE WITH IT. Ebony did not want to be associated with the many screams and excited yells on the street. Therefore, she settled on apparating to work everyday so she wouldn't be swarmed by not only children but also other people.

It has been a month since the death of her father but she was still continuesly questioned about it. The question 'how are you?' and the sentence 'my condolences' kept haunting her everywhere she went. Ebony felt terrible that people would just not leave her alone. 

She had experienced this before, the pain, the many stares from even strangers who have heard the news of her family member's passing, the many words of pity people tell her -- even when they don't mean it -- and the walking on eggshells everyone does. It gets tiring really quickly.

Luckily, there were a few people who did not treat her any differently. Firstly, Fred and George. They never seem to treat her as if she is made of glass, no matter the circumstance. Remus, even if he is hurting himself, he won't treat her softly as if she would break if he talked to her. And surprisingly, Mr. Ollivander also managed to treat her normally. 

"I have a question." Ollivander said as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. "I believe Minerva didn't suggest Wandmaker to you, how did you come to the idea?"

"It was my Godfather." Ebony replied and looked at the older man as she was stringing together a new wand. "He suggested it when I felt stuck last year. It sounded great, not too dangerous and entertaining. Most importantly, it's not an office job." Ollivander chuckled.

"I despise office jobs as well, I cannot sit still that long." He smiled to himself. "I'm glad you're here, I have always wondered what would happen to my shop after I pass but I believe wands are in good hands with you." 

"Thank you." Ebony replied. 

Just then the bell on the door rang and Mr. Ollivander nodded towards the front of the stoor. "Duty calls, new students are always exciting." He turned around and walked back towards the counter. 

Ebony continued to work on the new wand in her hands as she suddenly heard a low musical tone being played. She brushed it off before she overheard some strict and dark voice from the counter. She frowned and looked towards the shelf that seperated her and the people in the front of the shop. The music got louder but at the same time seemed to only be in her head.

A memory came back to her, one that she remembered reading: Horned Serpent Horn. This core was exceptionally powerful, sensitive to and vibrated when Parseltongue was being spoken, and could warn their owners of danger by emitting a low musical tone. A couple more loud complains from the counter later and she heard the flicker of a wand. 

A loud 'bonk' -- as if somebody had dropped something heavy -- came from the counter. She grabbed her wand and hid behind the many shelves on the left side of the shop. She waited for a moment as footsteps neared her. She looked between the crack of the wood and saw a man with a Death Eater Mask. She tightened her fingers around her wand and surprisingly managed to remain calm. The Death Eater eventually gave up and apparated away. 

Ebony stepped out from the shelves and looked around, making sure everything was clear and safe before calling out for her boss. "Mr. Ollivander?" There was no response, a shiver ran down her spine at the cold silence. "Garrick Ollivander?" She tried again and walked closer and closer to the counter. She felt her heart sink in her chest at the sight of the man on the ground. 

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