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APPARENTLY THE TABLE SITUATION WASN'T JUST A ONE TIME THING. Ebony wasn't allowed to sit at the Gryffindor table anymore, no matter how many times she tried to get past Umbridge. It was a real hell.

Meanwhile, Valentine's day arrived again and as usual, there would be a Hogsmeade trip. Ebony really considered to just stay at school but since it would most likely be her last chance to go there with her friends, she decided to go. 

It was only when they all sat in the carriage that she heard of everyone's plans. George, Lee, Fred and Ebony had decided to sit together, as always, since she wasn't allowed to eat with them anymore. This was the next best thing.

"Alicia said yes on going out with me." George says, excitedly. "I will not be with all of you today."

"That's okay, Georgie." Fred replies with a smirk. "Have fun with Alicia." 

"I will also not be joining you two today." Lee suddenly says which makes both Fred and Ebony frown at him. "Remember Megan Jones?" 

"The unmature Hufflepuff girl?" Ebony asks back, unimpressed.

"She asked me to join her since all her friends have dates and she didn't want to be alone. I didn't see the harm." 

It was rather awkward, the rest of the ride. They arrived at the station and split up. It left Fred and Ebony alone together. They walk towards the village together in complete silence. It had never been that awkward between them and Ebony absolutely hated it.

"Where did you want to go?" Fred asks to which Ebony shrugs. "Isn't there at least one shop you would like to visit--?"

"Miss Black!" She turns around to face none other than Mr. Ollivander. "I thought you would come here today. I would like to show you something if you don't mind." She looks at Fred who looks disappointed but nods at her.

"Actually, can my friend come with us?" She asks the man in front of her. "He is my companion for today." 

"Very well, if you'd follow me." He begins to walk. Ebony signs for Fred to follow her. He chuckles and does as she says. They enter the Ollivanders shop located in Hogsmeade and look around. "I hope you have done a bit of research regarding wand cores?" 

"I did, yeah." Ebony replies. 

"I have a bunch of woods and a new core which was delivered to me by a friend of mine." Ollivander explains. "I'm not familiar with this wand core and would not want to try insert it in a wand but it you're successful, you could keep it."

"Do you mean that?" Ebony asks.

"Of course." Ollivander replies. "You see, wandmakers have a special talent when it comes to creating wands. I would like to see whether you possess it or not. You Mister Weasley can try it as well."

Ebony looks at the core that laid in front of her. She frowns.

"How did you possibly get Horned Serpent Horn for this?" She asks and picks it up.

"My friend, Violetta Beauvais lives in America. She found it somewhere and sent it to me. We do that sometimes." Ollivander explains. 

Ebony stares at the many woods and the Horned Serpent Horn. She had read about how wands were created but she doubted whether she would be able to do this too. Ollivander had left for a moment so he could get some more stuff. 

"Nervous?" Fred asks her when he sees her face, she nods. "I promise you, there is no need to be nervous." He says. "We are talking about you here, the girl who became an Animagus in her fifth year, the girl who casts non-verbal spells better than verbal ones. You have a falcon patronus--"

"You saw that?"

"It was very hard to miss the bright light." Fred comments to which she smiles. "My point is, you will nail this too. I believe in you."


FRED WAS CORRECT. Ebony had made her first ever wand -- with a fair amount of help from Ollivander himself -- but she managed. Fred, however, had given up after he wasn't able to connect the core to the wood. He enjoyed watching her work, though. 

"I wonder whether this wand will work. It's fairly experimental since I have never worked with Horned Serpent Horn before." Ollivander says and looks at his apprentice. "Try it out."

"Lumos." The brightest light, Ebony had ever seen, comes from the tip of her wand. She closes her eyes. "Nox." And just as quick as it came, as quick did it leave.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Fred asks, confusedly. "Did you accidentally cast a patronus or what?"

"Horned Serpent Horns are said to be exceptionally powerful." Ollivander mumbles under his breath. "What wood did you say you used?"

"Rowan wood." 

"Oh dear God!" Ollivander squeaks and stares at her. 

"What? Is that bad?"

"No. You just made a very stubborn wand." Ollivander replies. "But I believe you are too so it shouldn't matter all too much. Try not to use that wand unless you've had the correct training with it. You might've just made your life a whole lot worse."

"What? Isn't the wand supposed to choose the wizard?" Fred asks with a smirk.

"It did." Ollivander replies and nods at the slight pink glow that comes from it. 

"Two more questions, does that mean I'm officially your apprentice?"

"Yes, Ebony, you are." She squeals.

"Last question, can I decorate the wand while it still being useful?"

"Of course. I am curious to see what your creative mind will make of it."

"Thank you so much!" Ebony says and leaves the shop with Fred. "We succeeded."

"No, you succeeded. I don't know what I tried to do but it's weird." Ebony chuckles. "We have two hours left before we have to return."

"Want to go drink something? Drink's on me!"

"Okay!" They walk through the village and watch many students on dates and holding hands. "Try that wand of yours out again. Ollivander said you had to train with it."

"Wingardium Leviosa." It sounded like a good plan. Ebony lifts a rock from the ground and makes it float around a little. 

"It doesn't look all that different from a normal wand, does it?" Fred asks. 

Just then, the rock explodes in mid-air. Ebony lets out a shriek of surprise. She had not seen that coming at all. Her eyes are wide as she stares at the remnants of the rock. 

"What happened?"

"I don't know." Ebony replies. "I didn't say it, I was only thinking it--"

"Thinking what?"

"How funny it would be if the rock exploded." Both Fred and Ebony stare at the wand in her hand.

"Does that happen often? When you think about things, they happen?"

"No. It never does. Maybe once or twice but I was thinking the spell. It's called non-verbal--"

"I know what non-verbal spells are Ebony!"

"Good." She replies. "But this wasn't like this, I didn't think the spell." She shrugs and puts the wand in her pocket. "I'll figure it out, for now, not a word about this to anyone."

"Sure, yeah." Fred agrees. "If anyone asks, we have been chilling around the Shrieking Shack all day telling each other scary stories."

"We indeed have." Ebony agrees with a grin.


Written: 08/06/2023

Word Count: 1192

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