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THE REST OF THE SUMMER HOLIDAY WAS A BIT GRIM. Ebony had trouble with remembering what exactly had happened during the Quidditch World Cup but when Amos arrived home, no body spoke about it anymore. 

They had spent a good time in Diagon Alley this year to buy new school stuff. Ebony didn't pay much attention to the list of requirements, it was only when she saw that she needed dress-robes that she decided to ask.

Of course Amos knew what was about to happen but he didn't tell his children about it. He had heard rumours go around the Ministry for the past couple weeks. He just told her to buy a dress from a specific shop in Diagon Alley but none of them really spoke to her. 

When she arrived back at home, she found a box on her bed with a small note on top of it. She frowns and walks over to it with curiosity building inside her. There hadn't been a reason for a present at all which means someone simply gave her something out of the blue.

Dear Ebony,

I heard about the events that will take place at Hogwarts this year and I decided to visit a house in the far North. I hope you haven't gotten a dress yet because I have found one that surely would fit you well. It was your mothers.

She wore it once to a very expensive and important dinner with a bunch of pure-blooded families. She wore it on the night I realized that I had fallen for her. It was her favourite dress. Which is why I think you would love it too. 

I also heard what had happened at the Quidditch World Cup, I hope you didn't get injured. The Dark Mark isn't something to laugh at. I bet it has something to do with Harry, as usual. I just hope you manage to stay out of trouble for once. Have fun in your sixth year at Hogwarts.

With much love,


Ebony smiles and puts the letter back down before opening the box. A gasp escapes her lips, her eyes widen at the sight. She carefully takes the dress out of the box and gawks at it. The top-part has a beautiful corset-like style with patterns knitted on it. The long skirt had faint glitter and all of which is a dark green colour. She manages to put it back into the box, her curiosity about what events will happen only growing. 


EBONY AND CEDRIC ARE STANDING ON PLATFORM NINE AND THREE-QUARTERS BY THEMSELVES as Amos unfortunately had to go to the Ministry this morning to 'sort some things out' as he had said it. Cedric however is grinning from ear to ear.

"Are you going to tell me what has made you so incredibly happy?" Ebony asks, raising her brow at him. Cedric chuckles.

"Dad told me what will happen this year at Hogwarts." 

"What? Could you perhaps tell me too?" Ebony asks back, hopefully. 

"I bet Professor Dumbledore will tell you during the feast." Oh yeah. While everyone else always looks forward to the feast, Ebony doesn't. She has to sit all by herself at the Slytherin table while her friends are all Gryffindors. She spots the Weasley's not too far away from her. 

"I see you at school, Ced." She walks towards them and grins when she spots Charlie. "Charles!" The older boy turns to face her and grins back happily. He embraces her.

"Hello, Black. Look at you being bigger, huh? You grew up." He says, rubbing her back comfortingly. They pull away.

"You still look the same." She replies, jokingly. Charlie had matured a lot too -- his hair is still long, over his shoulders -- and tied back into a ponytail. He has faint scars across his face yet the same gentle smile he always had. 

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