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EBONY WAKES UP, she blinks at the bright light around her. The pillow underneath her head moves up and down at a steady pace, she looks behind her and sees Fred, asleep. Oh fuck.

She sits up, taking in the red and golden common room around her. She must've fallen asleep on the couch after leaving her own common room. Fred's eyes flutter, telling her he will wake up soon. 

"I have to get out of here--" She's suddenly pulled back against Fred by his rather strong arms.

"5 More minutes."

"Fred, I have to return to my dorm to get changed into something presentable." Fred groans and opens his eyes finally. 

"I won't let you go there alone, besides, Derrick must be awake already."

"What do you want me to do?" Ebony asks, raising a brow at him. "I will not walk around in my pyjamas." The smirk on Fred's face tells her enough.

When she walks down to breakfast ten minutes later with Fred, she gets many stares. Her outfit is completely made out of Fred's clothes but that is not the reason everyone is staring at them. The two sit down and receive teasing smirks from both George and Lee.

"So, what happened on that couch yesterday night?" George asks, raising his brows. 

"Nothing, we fell asleep after talking for a while." Fred replies.

"Uh-huh, talking." Lee says, nodding. It's clear he nor George believe them. Ebony tries to eat her breakfast in peace when a school owl, Glimfeather, lands in front of her. Ebony takes the envelope from his paw and feeds him some pork before he flies away again. 

"Who's it from?" Fred asks, curiously. Ebony opens the envelope and smiles.

"Remus." She takes the letter out and starts reading it.

Dear Ebony,

I heard about what happened with the Triwizard Tournament. First of all, I'm happy that Cedric became the Hogwarts Champion, he will do great. Second of all, WHAT? Harry is too young to go through that alone, now, I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't desperate but could you maybe look out for him? I hope your hatred for him has been forgotten since last year.

I also heard, from a little birdie, that you are currently in a relationship. First of all, congratulations. Second of all, WHAT?  How did it, when did it, what? I remember teaching you two last year, I never knew, it came as a surprise, that's all. But I'm happy, very happy for you.

Be careful in that school. There are many secrets and dangers surrounding you, especially this year. Karkaroff, I cannot stress this enough, is a dangerous man, gets what he wants no matter what he has to offer up. Moody, a weird figure but definitely not without danger. The fact that he uses Unforgivable curses on children tells me enough.

He might have something against you because you're Sirius' daughter. If that is the case, make sure to let him know that you're not someone to mess with. You certainly did fight the Imperius Curse which tells me that you are beyond powerful, probably a trait of your mother.

Kind regards, Uncle Moony.

PS. Make sure to tell Fred that if he ever hurts you, a big wolf-man will rip out all his organs from the inside out.

Ebony snorts at Fred's yelp. He quickly pulls himself together but it was funny to say the least. She puts the letter in the pocket of her pants before resuming her breakfast. Everyone slowly gets up to go to the Quidditch pitch where the first task of the Tournament will be held. Ebony stands up and walks towards Cedric, stopping him. 

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