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IT HAD BEEN A COUPLE OF MONTHS, the apartment looked very pretty and almost ready to move into. Ebony felt very accomplished with the work they had put in, knowing this would be a new chapter of their life. She hoped it would all be worth it. 

There was no news regarding the wands she had delivered for the Death Eaters and she hoped there wouldn't be any following this. She did what was asked from her and couldn't do much more than that. Meanwhile, Ebony decided to keep her father's and brother's graves neat.

"I knew I would find you here." It was surprising knowing it was George behind her and not Fred. "We just finished the last finishing touches and decided Sunday would be a good day to move in as we're not open on Sunday's." 

"Sounds good." Ebony replied as she continued to look down at the graves. They weren't too far off from one another. There was a heavy feeling on her shoulders as she was reminded of all the fun and happy memories. 

"Ebs, I know you're my brother's girlfriend but if you ever need someone to talk to, you can come to me too." George told her which drew a small smile on her face. "I mean, to me you are a sister."

"Remember the time you two jinxed my hair red with some anonymous candy?" Ebony asked to which George chuckled.

"Fifth year, I believe?"

"Yep." She turned around to face him. "I quite liked it." 

"Bold to say for someone who chased me and Fred down the corridor for about half an hour." George replied with a smirk. "It was worth it every second but also a bit scary."

"Back then everything was still fine." Ebony muttered and looked down at her feet. "I sometimes wonder how uncle Moony is feeling, you know? He lost his best friends at twenty-one, thought his other best friend betrayed them. Years later realized he didn't and he was wrong, then get close with that one friend again just to lose him."

"If you sum it up like that, maybe Lupin is a very lonely man. Doesn't he have a girlfriend or something?" George asked.

"He did, years ago." Ebony shrugged as she looked at the leaves of the tree in front of her. "According to everyone I asked, Katherine was never found. One day she disappeared. I would do anything to bring her back but unfortunately I have no lead."

"It has been so incredibly long, he doesn't need her back, he needs somebody else." George stated. "You know, someone to replace the pain."

"I don't think the pain will ever be replaced." Ebony replied. "No matter what you do, no matter how drunk and wasted you get. . . you will always be reminded of the pain. Maybe it's good, not to forget the pain, someday it will be your only reminder that whatever you feel is real."

"Maybe you're right, I mean, sometimes I wonder. . ." George closed his eyes for a moment. "In our fifth year, when Lupin made us face our boggarts I saw Fred but only his corpse. And when you lost Cedric I--" He took a deep breath. "I am scared, Ebs. I don't want to lose him."

"You won't." Ebony replied. "I promise you, I will nothing bad happen to that idiot." George smiled at her softly. "I won't make the same mistake a third time."

"Ebs, Cedric and Sirius was not your fault--"

"Yeh, I know." She nodded softly. "I'm going home, packing everything up for moving day. See you tomorrow." 

"See you tomorrow." 

Ebony apparated back to 12 Grimmauld Place. She entered the house and heard voices come from the dining room. She frowned and stood with her body leaned against the wall as she stayed out of view from whoever was currently inside.

"She's getting older, growing up." Remus' voice came first. "She won't know, at least, not yet."

"You're basically the only authority figure she has, you should tell her about this. I'm sure she wouldn't mind you being happy." This was a woman's voice, a very familiar one.

"I will tell her just not now." Remus replied. "She's moving out soon, I am secretly glad about it. Then I can leave this dark house as well. There are just too many memories, you know?"

"I understand, this is not really the kind of house I would like to grow up in. Poor mom." Tonks. The voice suddenly made sense and Ebony was sure it was Tonks who Remus was sitting with. 

Maybe he had found somebody to be happy with, somebody to heal his heart instead of replacing it. She was happy for him and decided to just walk up the stairs and not bother the two of them. She needed to pack her stuff anyways.

After a while she realized just how much stuff she really had. Ebony even came across the Mischief Managed necklace the twins had given her for Christmas one year. She never really wore it since the words were unpractical to hang around her neck. 

She looked at it and decided to make it a pin instead. She began to craft and after half an hour, she managed to pin it on her shirt. It looked rather cute and would now tell the people on what quote she had lived by during her time in Hogwarts. Cause after all, she did manage her mischief.

It became dark outside, the almost-winter weather seemed to have an effect on everything. The darkness came quicker than it used to which Ebony secretly really enjoyed. She walked down the stairs to the dining room, hoping Tonks had already left so she wouldn't be interrupting.

"Good evening, Ebony. I was wondering when you'd be coming home." Remus said as he placed the pizza he had ordered on the dining table. Cooking wasn't his best ability.

"I am moving out, Sunday." Ebony stated as she sat down. "The apartment is pretty much done and we don't have work then so we found it to be the best day to move."

"I'm happy for you." Remus said and sat down in front of her. "I wanted to tell you something, if you don't mind, I'd like to move away as well. This house. . ."

"It has many memories, huh?" Ebony asked to which Remus nodded. "I understand completely, it is one of the reasons why I am not staying either."

"I'm glad you understand."

"Of course. After all, you're a grown man. You shouldn't rely on me to tell you what you can and cannot do. I am happy as long as you are, dad." 

It happened so quickly, Remus almost didn't catch it but when they had both realized her slip, they stared at one another. Ebony did not know why she called him 'dad' but it somehow felt right. She never even called Amos 'dad', not even accidentally.

"I. . ." Ebony cleared her throat and looked down. "I am not replacing my dad but. . ."

"Do not explain yourself, I do not mind." Remus replied. "Besides, I do not have any children of my own. You have always felt a little bit like mine whenever I babysitted."

"Good, because I'm sure my actual dad is now cheering in Heaven." Ebony told him to which Remus nodded, agreeing with her. 


Written: 26/07/2023

Word Count: 1216

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