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CHRISTMAS WAS COMING UP. Ebony felt bad when she heard that Fred's father was attacked during a mission for the order. Luckily Harry had seen a vision which made rescue get to him in time but they still missed school for the last week. 

She felt bad about everything. She was still mad at Fred for all the lousy things that were said between them but she felt bad about the breakup. She felt bad for kissing someone else and she felt bad for his father being taken to St. Mungo's.

"See you after Christmas break, Ced!" Ebony says to the portrait in the corridor.

"Merry Christmas, Ebs!" 

Portrait-Cedric must've been the only person to be there for her these days. She didn't have anyone else to talk to, not that it mattered fully. Even Lee decided to stay away from her for a while considering the break up and how messy everything was. 

Soon, she sits in the Hogwarts Express on her way to the platform. She sits alone inside a compartment without anyone else to talk to. She is so used to hearing the loud voices that she didn't know why it was suddenly so quiet. 

It is late when the train arrives at the station. Ebony walks outside and onto the platform only to be met by Tonks. She smiles at her and follows the woman through the wall and towards the exit of the train station. 

"You know how to apparate?" Tonks asks once again as if she had forgotten all the training during the summer. Ebony nods. "Go to 12th Grimmauld Place." 

And she does. Instead of apparating in front of the building, she appears inside the dining room when everyone is eating dinner. Apparently no one was expecting her as they all look up with confused gazes but then Sirius jumps up.

"Ebony!" He hugs her tightly. Ebony, however, frowns when she sees the Weasley family sit at the dinner table. It seemed very awkward all of a sudden. "I heard about how you won from Gryffindor! I'm proud!" They pull away. "Sit down and eat, you must be hungry."

The only free chair is the one next to Fred. Ebony doesn't complain and instead sits down next to her ex boyfriend without uttering a word to him. "How was school?" Remus asks her, putting down the Daily Prophet which he was skimming over.

"It was fine." Ebony replies and looks down at her plate. It is filled with soup which draws a smile on her face. 

"Just fine?" Sirius asks. "Damn, you seem like you had fun--" Remus smacks his arm which makes him shut up. Soon, everyone falls back into a conversation. 

"I'm sorry--"

"Just because I'm forced to sit next to you doesn't mean I have to--" 

"Ebs, please." Fred says, desperately. She sighs. "I'm so sorry for everything I said to you."

"Not good enough." She looks at him and immediately regrets it.

Her heart aches when she sees the desperate gaze in his beautiful dark brown eyes. She feels the need to kiss him when she sees his soft pink lips and she wants to forget about everything and wrap her arms around him but she doesn't. 

"I know that I messed up, I was angry -- not that it's an excuse for my poor behavior towards you. You deserve so much better than how I handled and threated you." 

"You realize this a bit late."

"I know." Fred reaches out for her hand and she doesn't stop him. "I just was excited to spend my life with you and when you said you didn't want to work with us I got scared."

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