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EVERY CONVERSATION FRED AND EBONY TRIED TO HAVE, seemed to only make their problems bigger and bigger. Each time, one of the two would say something hurtful to the other which would cause greater problems than they already had. 

"At least you looked good while winning, didn't you? Using all daddy's money on new outfits?"

"It's called motivation, Fred!" 

"Oh, motivation?!"


"Seemed to me like you wanted to buy your appreciation!" Fred yelled back. "What? Afraid they won't respect you if you don't spoil them?"

"At least I can spoil my team, you can't!"

"I didn't know you were such a gold-digger!"

"A gold digger?" Ebony asks back with a scoff. "Would I have ever dated you if I were?"

"Have? In the past?"

"Yes." Ebony replies with a nod. "We can't have a normal conversation anymore without screaming at one another! Maybe it's better if we--"

"Exactly!" Fred states. "I'm glad you said it first. At least now I won't have to deal with your pathetic ass anymore!"

"Excuse me?"

"You walk around trying to find reasons for people to pity you!"

"You have not experienced what I have!" Ebony yells back, annoyedly. "You don't know how it feels!"

"How it feels to what? Discrimination?" Fred asks back. "Your pink toad kicked me and my brother off the team!"

"You should've left Grabbe and Goyle alone!"

"They insulted my family!"

"Boo-Hoo!" Ebony yells. "How often have people not insulted mine?" 

"You're used to it with a father who killed a bunch of people! You're not a hair better than him!"

"I'm not doing this anymore. Goodbye, Weasley." 

Ebony is once again the first one who leaves. She isn't gonna waste anymore time on him and he knows this. Why did their conversations all end like that lately? She didn't even know when it all went wrong. 


EBONY COULDN'T CONCENTRATE ON HER NEWTS. She couldn't believe she actually broke up with Fred in such sad circumstances. She looked down at her books when suddenly she broke down in a corner in the library. She tried to be quiet, hoping no one would notice her.

"What's wrong?" She looks up to see Luna Lovegood, a fourth year Ravenclaw student, in front of her. "I thought you would be happy since you won the match."

"I won the match. . . I lost my boyfriend." Ebony replies and looks down at her books. "And I also lost my best friend because of that." 

"I'm so sorry, I did not know you and Fred Weasley have broken up. You two looked so happy--"

"Please do not remind me." Ebony says with a sad smile. 

A sudden loud noise comes closer to her and Pansy, Daphne, Flora and Nadine appear in front of them with big smiles on their faces.

"We will not allow our amazing captain to suffer because of some unworthy Gryffindor boy!" Flora says loudly to which the others nod in agreement.

"Follow us and we'll make you feel better!"

Towers - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now