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NOT ONLY DID EVERYONE SPEND THE NEXT FEW DAYS making up theories on how Black must've entered the castle, they also made it known that everyone now despises Ebony. She was apparently the reason this all happened. Oh how easy it was to blame the daughter instead of the parents.

As if that wasn't enough already, the weather outside became worse and worse and only this morning she had heard that Slytherin wouldn't be playing against Gryffindor in the first match. Instead it would be Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. It made her unbelievably mad.

"Flint!" She screams at the boy in the armchair. "How come we're suddenly not playing anymore?"

"Draco's arm is still not fully recovered--"

"Cut the crap! This is all because you know we wouldn't win against Gryffindor when it rains." She replies, glaring at him. "You're such an idiot."

"I raised our chances, Black. And watch your mouth or you'll be off the team in no-time." Ebony rolls her eyes, having had enough of everything, and decides to walk away from the common room. She doesn't know where she is headed, but she isn't gonna stay inside. 

After walking for about ten minutes, mindlessly away from the Slytherin common room, she decides to sit down on the chairs hidden away in a dark corner of the castle. This year must be the worst one yet. 

Sure, she had always received looks from people who looked like they didn't trust her but now it has gotten a thousand times worse. She can't normally walk inside the Great Hall without being stared at, not even a classroom... let alone walk down the corridor.

"Mind if I join you?" She looks up to see Professor Lupin stand in front of her. Ebony shrugs, the man sits down next to her and reaches for the inside pocket of his grey jacket. He withdraws a chocolate bar and snaps of some pieces and hands them to her. "Shouldn't you be spending your Friday evenings with your friends?"

"My friends are at Quidditch practice and nobody else wants to talk to me so, no, I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to do." Remus feels incredibly bad at hearing those words, he had never thought that people would rather blame the kids instead of the parents.

"I heard about the Quidditch match being cancelled... well, partly."

"Flint is just scared. He knows we don't stand a chance against Gryffindor as it is, let alone when it's raining. He would do anything to come out better." 

"And you have been hiding away from everything and everyone because you're scared of what others think of you." says Lupin, raising a brow. 

"It never bothered me, you know? Those stares seemed to be just fade into the background but lately... nobody takes me seriously anymore. I hate it." 

"Didn't I tell you to jinx them?" Remus asks, Ebony shakes her head.

"The entire school? Do you want me to get expelled?"

"If I wanted you to be expelled, I would've told Dumbledore about your disappearance on Halloween." Ebony stares at the man next to her. "Oh come on, you didn't really think you were sly, did you?"

"You know about the passage way behind the statue?"

"Of course, used it a lot during my times here at school." Ebony smiles at Professor Lupin's answer. "Me, Peter, James and your father... we all did."

"So, he knows about the passage ways?" Ebony asks, scoffing. "That's how he got into the castle... he used the passage ways. Is anybody else aware of them?"

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