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REMUS HAD MADE ONE PROMISE before he was sent outside of the court many years back, she would be growing up with a family that truly loved her and would always support her. His promise ended up true as she landed in a kind wizard family.

The man and woman who had come to pick her up the same day Sirius Black was arrested, had brought a young boy, only a year older than Ebony herself, with. Her innocent and confused mind quickly forgot the horrible events that had happened as she was able to be a carefree child again.

At the age of 10, when her brother attended Hogwarts for the first time, she was left behind. The woman of the family had gotten a disease and soon after died peacefully in her sleep. The months that passed were hard but despite that, her new brother managed to pass to his next year.

Now, Ebony is eleven, her excitement through the roof as she stands next to her brother waiting to go to Diagon Alley to buy her new school supplies as she too was accepted to Hogwarts only two months ago. 

"Excited?" The blond boy asks amused, Ebony hums and shifts from one foot to the other.

"Of course I am, Cedric. I bet you were too."

"I was, I'm not making fun of you. I'm just asking."

"Ah, ready kids?" Amos asks, looking from his son to his daughter. 

"Yes, let's go!" 

"Okay, Cedric you go first, remember to articulate the words well." Amos tells his son, the blond boy nods and takes some of the floo powder before stepping into the fireplace. 

"Diagon Alley." He winks at Ebony before disappearing into the smoke. 

"Your turn, little one." Amos urges, she takes the powder and copies her brother. She stands in the fireplace and giggles slightly.

"Diagon Alley." A poof of smoke raises around her and before she knows it, she's standing in a different fire place. Soon, Amos arrives too and the hunt for school supplies begins. The streets are surprisingly busy with a bunch of new students everywhere. 

"Alright, let's make a deal, yeah?" Amos asks, facing his two children. Cedric and Ebony look at him curiously. "I go and get the books and robes and the boring stuff while you two go ahead and get a wand and a pet. How does that sound?"

"I agree." Cedric says, nodding. "I'll make sure she gets the best wand there is." 

"Good, here you go." Amos says, handing Cedric the galleons. "Make sure you're both safe, don't lose her out of your sight." 

"Yes, dad." Cedric replies and grabs Ebony's hand before dragging her through the crowded streets. "Where do you want to go first?" He asks, navigating the two of them. 

"It would be weird to show up in Ollivanders with a pet, don't you think, Ced?" The boy grins at her witty comment and pulls her inside the wand-shop. 

"Well, have fun, I'll be waiting right here." Ebony looks at him nervously. "Go ahead, no need to be scared." She swallows and walks forward until she's in front of the counter. A man appears from behind a curtain and looks at her curiously.

"Well well, hello Mister Diggory." He greets the boy behind Ebony before looking at her. "And you are?"

"Ebony Black." The girl replies, excitedly. Mister Ollivander stares at her for a good moment before nodding. 

"Here for your first wand, I believe?" Ebony nods, happily. "Let's see." He takes a box from the shelf and places it down on the counter. He opens it and hands it to her. "Swing it." He instructs which she does. A flame appears and almost burns down the counter but Ollivander manages to stop it. She quickly puts the wand back down. Ebony hears a chuckle behind her and rolls her eyes. 

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