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EBONY COULDN'T CONCENTRATE ON HER CLASSES. Instead she was only paying attention to her professor's words half while she remained thinking about the broomstick which is still tucked away in a corner in her wardrobe. She remained thinking about the necklace which she wears everyday now and she remains thinking about the note.

Which is exactly why she stayed behind in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in hopes of being able to talk to Professor Lupin. The man frowns when he sees her sit in her seat as if she is in no rush to get to her Ancient Runes classroom. 

"What's wrong, Ebony?" He asks, curiously. Ebony had been thinking about how she would word this and at the end of the day, she found one option. 

"You never knew who my mother was, did you?" She asks, her tone low and sounds almost bored. Professor Lupin seems a bit taken aback by her question but ends up shaking his head.

"No." He replies. "Sirius probably knew, he never told anyone else. Why?" 

"Do you know who this necklace belonged to?" She asks again, pointing at the golden snake around her neck. 

"I have seen it before but I wouldn't know where." The man replies. It's all she needed to know. "Why? What's wrong?" 

"It was a Christmas present." Ebony stands up and walks towards him. She reaches in her pocket and hands him the note that came with the necklace. "And that's all there was." Professor Lupin reads the note and sighs. "Tell me why my father -- who is running away from the dementors and trying to kill Harry Potter -- made the time to get me a thoughtful Christmas present and didn't even try to hide who it came from."

"I know you might hope he is innocent..." Professor Lupin begins before looking down at her. "But he might just want to earn your trust in hopes you would help him." 

"Is it so weird to think that maybe he isn't what people make him out to be?" She asks, a slight hint of desperation in her tone. Remus knows how she feels, he had wondered this before too. "Nevermind, sorry for bothering." She takes the note and walks towards the door. "And I really love Rapunzel." Remus gives her a small smile before she leaves the classroom. 

She knows she has about 5 more minutes to get to Ancient Runes which she would never be able to reach in that time if she went the normal way, lucky for her, she knows some interesting passage ways. She climbs up a couple of stairs on the marble staircase and flicks a torch which opens a secret tunnel. She climbs through and ends up in front of the Ancient Runes classroom in only two minutes. How sweet

She walks over and sits down in her usual seat next to Lee only to find that her friend isn't there yet. Professor Bathsheda Babbling walks to the front and begins class. Ebony keeps looking at the door in hopes of seeing Lee but he isn't there. 

"Miss Black, is there something wrong?" The woman asks. 

"I'm sorry professor but my friend--"

"Lee Jordan you mean?" She asks, humming. "I know, he had a major nose bleed and is recovering in the Hospital Wing, I was already aware." Nose bleed? Lee was fine during Defense Against the Dark Arts. How come he was suddenly stuck with a nose bleed?


NOT ONLY DID EBONY'S CURIOSITY ALMOST KILL HER, so did the cramps that suddenly invaded her stomach during class. She managed to not show anyone but it definitely isn't a nice feeling, luckily all her classes are over for today. Everyone gathers their things.

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