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IT'S HALLOWEEN, Ebony woke up with a bitter feeling. Everyone would be off to Hogsmeade meanwhile she has to stay behind and just enjoy herself with the first and second years students. It was unfair, Sirius isn't after her is he?

"Just use the passage way, we will meet you at Honeydukes." Fred says, smiling at her before leaving breakfast to meet up with everyone else. Ebony didn't want to sneak out all by herself but she wasn't going to stay behind alone. Then she remembers...

"Hey, Harry!" The boy turns around and glares at her, Ebony feels a bit uneasy by his intense stare. "Want to--"

"Stay away from me, will you?" Harry asks, his tone rough. Ebony frowns.

"What did I do to you?" 

"Your father is after me, I bet you're nothing better." That's when she realizes he looks at her prefect badge in the Slytherin colours which she is wearing over her normal everyday clothing. "It shouldn't surprise me that you are the  one talking to me, maybe you're even helping him. You're just as rotten as Malfoy and you know it."

"Right, nevermind then." She turns around and makes her way down to the dungeons. "Mudblood." She says in front of the painting and gets a way inside. Ebony avoids the first and second year students and rushes to get her leather jacket before leaving again. She puts it on and makes sure her two black braids fall over her shoulders. She's on the third floor, almost by the statue of the one-eyed witch but someone stops her. 

"Hello Ebony, what a nice day, isn't it?" Professor Lupin asks, smiling down at her. "How come you're not in Hogsmeade?"

"I forgot my jacket, I was just leaving." Remus eyes her suspiciously. 

"You know you should be outside in that case in the courtyard, not here."

"Again, I forgot my jacket."

"You wouldn't have been passing this way at all... the dungeons aren't on the third floor." Ebony sighs, looking down. "Or perhaps you are here because Mr. Diggory didn't give you permission to go." She looks up at him with wide eyes. "Snape told me."

"I just was taking a walk."

"Towards the one-eyed witch statue, perhaps?" She looks at the man with a frown. 

"No... why would I want to go there?" 

"Good point." She doesn't know whether he knows about the passage way, but it sounds like he does. "Have fun on your walk." He moves past her and leaves the corridor but Ebony is sure he had winked at her before doing so. Oh, he definitely knows. She shakes it off and walks towards the statue. 

"Dissendium." The hump on the statue opens and reveals a passage way. Ebony sneaks inside and watches it close behind her. Thanks to the Marauders Map, she knows every way in and out of the castle by now. She follows the path, knowing where to go and ultimately reaching light.

She climbs up and looks around the Honeydukes cellar with curiosity. Maybe the shop has some new sweets and products but she soon gets up to the actual store, sneaking behind the counter to not been seen and standing up once she's standing in front of a shelf. 

"Hello, nice to see you here." George says, smirking. 

"They have new pastries... blueberry flavour." Ebony tells him. George raises his brow and smiles. 

"Let's get some." They buy some sweets and meet Lee and Fred outside the sweetshop. 

"Can you warn me when Professor Snape is around, he knows I'm not supposed to be here." Ebony says, looking around. 

Towers - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now