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EBONY STOOD IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL IN HER UNIFORM. It would be the very last time she would be standing in her Hogwarts uniform and she will miss it. There are a bunch of people in the crowd whom she knows. 

Fred and George had dragged their entire family -- including Bill and his girlfriend Alyx -- to the graduation, Remus had come there as her Godfather, Lee's parents were there for him and her, Harry and Hermione had come to experience this and even Amos had showed up at last.

"Welcome everyone to the graduation of our seventh year students!" Professor Dumbledore said proudly. "The class of 1995 has worked hard and passed most their classes to be able to stand here today!" 

Lee and Ebony smirk at each other, they stood quite far away from one another considering they are in rival houses. She feels a bit nervous, she had hoped her father would've been able to make it but unfortunately he wasn't visible. Maybe he was watching after all. 

McGonagall began to name the students who then walked forward and took their diploma. Ebony felt herself get more and more nervous as she waited and waited. Slytherin, of course, had to be the last house to be called upon. She looked up at the sky, smiling softly, and looked back down.

"Ebony Jamie Rhea Black." She smiles, and walks forward towards her favourite professor she has ever had. McGonagall had always been there for her from the very first moment she walked through the big doors of the Great Hall. She will never forget this. "Congratulations."

A bunch of people clapped and cheered. Ebony wraps her arms around her professor who is a little taken aback but hugs her back. "Thank you for everything, Minnie." 

"You're very welcome, Ebony." It must've been the first time, McGonagall had ever addressed her by her first name and it felt great. 

She shakes her other professor's hands and stands back to join the class for a photo. It's then that she sees a figure in the crowd, the person in question wears a hood to cover their face. Ebony figures it must be a Death Eater who was there for their child's graduation. 

The photo is made, Ebony and Lee stand next to each other and smile proudly. Everyone slowly leaves the stage. She looks into the crowd and sees the hooded person again, a breeze of wind makes the hood fall off her head. Ebony's smile disappears at the sight.

The woman has dark curly hair and piercing green eyes. Ebony had seen a bunch of photos in the past years to know exactly who that woman is. Esme Thornes. Ebony quickly rushes down the steps of the stage and runs towards the person. She passes a bunch of students and to the back. 

Esme, who had noticed her gaze on her began to back away and ran towards the courtyard. Ebony followed her and drew her wand. "Petrificus!" The spell hit the woman and made her freeze in place. Ebony walks over to her carefully and around her until she's right in front of her. 

Ebony couldn't believe how much she looked like that woman. She had thought she had gotten the hair from her father but it could've been her mother's genes. The green eyes are exactly the same and they have a likewise facial structure.

"Mom?" She asks softly, looking at her. "Episkey." She muttered and watched how the woman began to move again. They look at each other for a moment. "Mom." Ebony says, there are tears in her eyes. "Why are you here?"

"I heard about your graduation." The raven haired woman replies. "I wanted to see you after so long." 

"Why has it been that long?" Ebony asks back. "Why didn't you look for me sooner?"

"It's complicated--" Her face contorted in pain. Ebony frowns until she sees the Dark Mark on her mother's arm.

"No." Ebony whispers and steps back. "You're a follower of Voldemort?" 

"Ebony, it's not what--"

"Go!" She replied. "Go away!" 


"I have survived 18 years without you! I can survive quite a bit longer. Go!" The woman nods and apparates away. 

"Ebs?" She looks up to see, not only her best friend, but also his family and Remus. 

"I'm fine." She sits down in one of the arches. Fred walks over and stands in front of her. "My mother is alive after all." Ebony whispers. "And she works for Voldemort." 

"I'm sorry." 

"Stop apologizing." Ebony looks up at him. "You're like. . . the only thing that's ever gone well in my life. Do not apologize for that." 

"Come on, we should be celebrating." Fred tells her. "After all, you did something we couldn't do." Ebony chuckles. He pulls her back to her feet and walks with her to their families. 

The Great Hall is packed with students and parents who all celebrate the achievement of their children. Ebony stands next to Amos who has a glass in his hand.

"You decided to come back, huh?" 

"I'm sorry--"

"I do not need apologies. Why are you here?"

"I felt like it was my duty." Ebony hums and nods slightly.

"You didn't care about duty before so I'm not sure why you suddenly care now." She walks back to her best friend and his family. 

"So, Ebony." Molly says and stands in front of her. "What are you going to do during the summer?"

"I was accepted by Ollivander so I will be his apprentice for a while." Ebony replies.

"I'm glad you have found your place in this world." She side-eyes her twin-sons and goes to stand with her eldest son. 

"She still doesn't support us in our decision of opening a joke shop." Fred whispers to her. 

"She'll change her mind soon enough. I know she will." 


EBONY HAD ARRIVED AT HOME THAT EVENING. She didn't want to, but she found herself look through old photos in which she saw her mother. It was obvious now how often she covered her arm while in her seventh year. She has had the Dark Mark for a long time already.

"Ebony, hey." Remus says and walks inside the living room where she is looking through the photos. 

"She's had the mark before I was born. . . she has been a follower of Voldemort for a long time." 

"I know." She looks up and frowns at her Godfather. "Sirius told me recently why he never mentioned her name." He sits down on the couch. 

"Tell me." Ebony says softly and sits down next to him.

"He and Esme had a fling, it was nothing more according to him. But, he knew she was a follower of you-know-who. He didn't want to out her because deep down I know he loved her." Remus smiles softly. "When you were born, you-know-who threatened to kill you so Esme brought you to Sirius. She has done so much to protect you."

"I have been quite a rude bitch, haven't I?"

"That's how I know you--" Ebony rolls her eyes and smacks his arm playfully. "Luckily you've got that from your father so I'm sure poor Esme is used to it."

"Can you stop?"

"My excuses." 


Written: 12/06/2023

Word Count: 1196

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