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CHRISTMAS HAD BEEN A BIT MESSY. Once Molly began to cry about Percy, Ebony decided it was time to leave and return home. She felt a bit sad knowing the memory Remus had showed her was one he held onto. It was one of those where all your friends were together. 

"Hello, love. What are you thinking about?" Fred asked, joining her on the couch inside the living room. Ebony shrugged her shoulders and turned to look at her boyfriend.

"On Christmas, Remus showed me this memory he had about a long time ago and it makes me sad to know that he is the only one of his friends that survived." Ebony explained. "I mean, he's basically alone."

"You should stop thinking about it so much." Fred stated. "Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it anymore. Think about the happy memories."

Ebony smiled and looked at her boyfriend, she held out her own hand and waited patiently for Fred to place his in hers. The ginger frowned suspiciously but eventually decided to trust her as he placed his hand in hers. 

"Memento memoria." Ebony whispered and took in the sudden blur around her until her surroundings morfed into the Hogwarts Express. 

They saw a young girl with dark hair and a gray cat on her lap in one of the compartments. She looked peaceful and at the same time also excited. Ebony smirked at her boyfriend who looked at her curiously until a certain redheaded boy appeared in the doorway of the compartment.

"Hello, could we join you, maybe?" It didn't take long for the boy to be pushed inside the compartment and hit Ebony while doing so. He landed straight on top of the confused girl.

"GEORGE! Not cool!"

"Get off of me, please!" The raven-haired girl said, softly.

"We're sorry." The redhead stood up and smiled at her awkwardly. "So, can we join you?"

"Of course, idiots." The boy sat down in the seat in front of her before another one, looking exactly the same as the first, sat down next to his brother.

"We're Fred..."

"And George."

"I'm Ebony, nice to meet you."

"I reckon you're also a first year student?" Little Ebony nodded at little Fred's question. "Us too, probably Gryffindors as well. Our whole family is."

"We have three older brothers, Bill already graduated but Charlie is in his sixth year and Percy in his third." Little George continued to explain. "All Gryffindors."

"What house do you think you'd be in?" Little Fred asked, curiously. Little Ebony shrugged her shoulders.

"My family are Hufflepuffs but I was adopted when I was three so I have no clue really."

"Doesn't matter, whatever it is, you'll be fine." Little Fred promised.

"Yeah, we don't judge." Little George added.

"See, and we stayed true to our word." Fred whispered to his girlfriend as he watched the scene unfold. He put his arm around her and pulled her closer. "You could say, I even fell for you--"

"Do not even try to joke." Ebony replied and smirked at him. "Anything else you want to see?"

"I do." Fred stated and nodded. "Memento Memoria." 

The blur around them appeared and quickly disappeared again when they stood inside the corridor in Hogwarts. Ebony frowned, unsure where they were when she saw a slightly younger version of herself with a slightly younger version of Fred walk down the corridor into the dungeons.

"You like making a scene, don't you?" Younger Ebony asked the boy next to her, smirking.

"Did you see Ron's face. He was definitely fuming." Young Ebony chuckled. "And you, my dear Ebs, were blushing."

Ebony looked at her boyfriend with a confused frown on her face as to silently ask 'where are we?' Fred shook his head and motioned for her to keep listening.

"Yeah, from embarrassment." Young Ebony replied. "Everyone was looking at me." Young Fred raised his brow.

"Are you sure it was embarrassment and not because you have a little crush on me?" Young Fred asked, cheekily.

It came back to her then, this was the moment after Fred had asked her to be his date to the Yule Ball. She remembered what happened after this and giggled to herself as she watched the younger versions reach the portrait of the Slytherin common room.

"What?" Young Ebony asked, looking at him with wide eyes. "Me, a crush on you? You're insane--" She stopped talking when she saw Derrick and a bunch of his friends stand next to the Slytherin portrait.

"Well, I see you tomorrow." Young Fred said, smiling down at her. "Goodnight, darling."

"Goodnight, Freddie." She reached up to kiss his cheek, like usual, but young Fred turned his head right before her lips met his cheek and instead collided with his own lips.

"Our very first kiss." Fred whispered into her ear as they watched young Ebony run into the common room with a red face. 

"One of many." Ebony replied and turned to face him. 

The blur returned but this time -- instead of another memory -- they returned back to the present and sat back on the couch in the living room of their apartment. Somewhere Ebony was glad Remus showed her the spell, it meant she was able to relive memories as many times as she wanted but it was also dangerous.

"It is weird, huh?" Fred asked with a small smile on his face. "I mean, what if someone told us in our first year that we would end up living together as a couple after graduation?"

"I would've called that person insane." Ebony stated. 

"Would it have been so weird?" Fred asked and raised his brow.

"Yes, it would've been. I was sure I would be single forever. . . at least, I thought about that in fourth year." Ebony replied. "It didn't even sound like a bad idea at the time."


"Hey! Do not blame me, we weren't together yet!" Ebony said and smiled at him. 

"You're forgiven for your terrible words towards me." She chuckled and rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's stupid words. "Have you heard anything from those Death Eaters since you gave them the wands?"

"No." Ebony replied softly. "I'm sure they're happy with them." 

"I do not like the way you handled that without at least telling me you were going to do it. So much could've happened."

"I know, I'm sorry." Ebony replied and looked down at her hands in her lap. "When they started threatening you I just had to do something."

"Understandable." Fred replied. "Next time you let me die--"

"What, no!" Ebony turned her head to see Fred smirking back at her. "I will not put you in danger when I know I can do something to prevent it."

"Aw, you love me."

"I'm not denying it."

"Lucky for you, I love you too." Fred whispered, put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head gently. "So much."


Written: 27/07/2023

Word Count: 1137

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