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IT WAS CLEAR TO EVERYONE THAT IT WAS CLOSE TO WAR. The streets in Diagon Alley were a lot less busy than they usually were and the sound of careless children became less as their parents kept an eye on their every move. Ebony had gotten many questions regarding Ollivander but she told everyone the same thing: one day he was just gone.

It was weird to know that many students would be returning to Hogwarts knowing that this is all going on. Ebony was in the back of her store, experimenting with new wand cores and wood types when the bell from the door rung. She stepped towards the counter only to be faced with a familiar figure. The hood covering her head did nothing to hide her identity.

"Where is Ollivander?" 

"Good evening to you too, mom." Ebony muttered and leaned against the wooden counter. "Mr. Garrick Ollivander has sadly left me and his shop behind. What can I do for you?"

"I need a new wand."

"What happened with your previous one?" Ebony asked her but stared in shock when she saw the burn mark on her mother's right arm. "Merlin's beard--"

"It is nothing, I just desperately need a new one." 

Ebony nodded and turned around, she fished a box from the shelf and put it down on the counter. "Could you at least tell me what happened, why you couldn't care for me because as for now, I have a lot of people who want me to hate you." She handed her mother the wand.

"I was young, I had the wrong friends. . . everything was bad." The wand did not work and gave absolutely no reaction. Ebony put it back into the box and looked further.

"You know, when I have 'wrong friends' they convince me to smoke or peer pressure me into drinking, not joining the dark side." Ebony replied and put another box down.

"Well, times back then were different." Esme Thornes explained. "I mean, Bellatrix, Narcissa, I should've known they would've dragged me down. Once I had the dark mark, nobody spoke to me anymore. Well. . . apart from Sirius and Katherine."

"What happened?" Ebony asked as she put the second wand -- which also did not give a good reaction -- back on the shelf.

"Sirius and I were never serious, we just. . . clicked. I got pregnant during my seventh year and gave birth to you before graduating. I kept you hidden, nobody knew and nobody needed to know but then there was Bellatrix Lestrange who -- as she does -- snitched about my condition to you-know-who. He treatened me, told me he'd kill you if I left the Death Eaters or betrayed them. I had no choice. I realized you would be safer with your father but. . . then he got framed."

"I grew up with the Diggory's, a very nice household with amazing people." Ebony mumbled. "They did not even let me be with my Godfather."

"You know, before Sirius named Remus your Godfather, I had given you a Godmother." Ebony looked up with a frown on her face as she handed her mother another wand. "When I wanted to ask her to take care of you, she was gone. It seemed as though she disappeared and to this day I have no idea what happened to her. She was declared dead but they never found her body."

"Katherine Plaingrove?" 

"Yeah." Esme replied. "She was the Remus to my Sirius." Ebony chuckled to which Esme smiled. "I never intended to not take care of you, to not be involved but it would've been too dangerous."

Ebony put the third wand -- which seemed to follow the other two before him -- back inside the box and sighed. "I need some advice, and I'm asking as your daughter." She stated and watched how her mother nodded. "I have these nightmares and dark thoughts constantly, they started when Claudia died but became worse when Cedric and also my dad passed. I do not know how to stop them."

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