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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Official start of the story

Ebony Black's fifth year at Hogwarts


AS ALWAYS, Ebony is standing in front of the platform waiting for the train or her friends to arrive. Whatever is first to be honest. She is clutching her suitcase in her hands while staring at the tracks ahead of her. She hasn't been present a lot in the last couple of days.

"Eb?" She hums and turns to face Cedric, her brother who has grown up to look ridiculously handsome in the past year. A lot of girls tend to gush over him even in Slytherin house. "Do you want a chocolate frog?" She looks down at his hand and shakes her head. 

"No, thanks." Cedric frowns at her.

"Come on, you love chocolate." But his attempts don't work as once again, she shakes her head. He knows what has been occupying her mind lately, everyone knows. He doubts anyone in the Wizarding World hasn't seen the news regarding Sirius' Black's escape of Azkaban. 

"Okay, listen here you two." Amos says, catching the attention of his children. "Have fun, study hard and please for the love of Merlin, Ebony, no more letters." She smirks at him.

"Can't promise anything, Amos." He groans lowly. 

"Fine, as long as you have fun." Ebony hasn't ever called Cedric's parents 'mom' or 'dad'. She always called them Amos and Claudia, not that they minded, of course. "And you." He adds, pointing to Cedric. "Keep an eye on her."

"I don't need a babysitter." Ebony replies, watching the scarlet red train arrive on the platform. 

"Come here, you two." Amos envelopes his kids in a tight hug before letting them go. Ebony looks around to try and spot her friends when she gets suddenly embraced by a hyper boy. 

"EBS!" She chuckles. 

"Hey Lee." She replies, patting him on the back. He pulls away. "Seen the twins?"

"Yeh, they just arrived, come on!"

"Bye Amos!" Ebony says, getting dragged away by Lee. She reunites with both Fred and George, hugging the two of them shortly. "Hello, guys."

"Hey, Ebs, let's go." George says, running towards the Hogwarts Express. The others follow him, handing their trunks to the man who safely places them in the train before entering and looking for an empty compartment. George soon finds one and drags his fellow students inside before closing the door. 

"So, how was summer?" Fred asks, eagerly. Ebony looks outside the window and waves at Amos who waves back. She settles and places Smokey in her lap while listening to Lee talk about his time in Wales. 

She is very aware of the cautious looks she is getting from both Fred and George but she ignores them. There have been many people keeping a close eye on her since this summer, waiting for her to snap. She won't let it happen, not at all. 

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