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IN A BRIEF STATEMENT FRIDAY NIGHT, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge confirmed that He-Who-Must-Not-Be Named has returned to this country and is active once more.

Ebony was once again avoiding everyone. She did not know what to do anymore. First her mother, then Claudia, then Cedric and now Sirius. She was slowly losing everyone who she so deeply loved and it was killing her. 

"Don't come too close, you'll be next." 

"Don't be ridiculous." Remus replies and walks inside her room inside the house at 12 Grimmauld Place -- she once again had gotten pardon from school since her NEWTs were all successfully done. "You're not cursed."

"I can't seem to safe anyone, they should lock me up." She looks up at Remus who looks even more awful than usually. "I'm sorry--"

"Stop apologizing. I lost a friend, yes, but you lost your father. I can't imagine how that must feel." He sits down on the edge of the bed next to her. "You're barely an adult."

"It feels a bit like losing Cedric, just this time I feel more guilty about it." 

"You should leave the house, it seems to me that you deserve to be happy for once." Remus tells her though he does not sound very convincing. "Head to Diagon Alley and begin your work at Ollivanders or visit the twin's shop."

"What am I supposed to do? Everyone who sees me asks me whether I'm okay or not. I have had this all before. I don't want to experience that again." Ebony replies.

"I'm not really the best person to take advise from."

"No? Well, pity. You're my Godfather and my real father isn't here anymore so I solemnly rely on you now." Ebony tells him and rests her head against his shoulder. "You suck."

"I know I do but there is something that might make it suck a little less." Remus hands her an envelope. She opens it and takes out a letter.

Nastily Exhausting WIzarding Test

Student: Ebony Jamie Rhea Black

Arithmancy:                                     O                                                                                               
 Potions:                                             E
Ancient Runes:                                E                                                                                           
Herbology:                                        A
Charms:                                             O                                                                                                         
Transfiguration:                              O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Astronomy:                                       A
History of Magic:                            E

Ebony couldn't help but smile. She had successfully passed each and every one of her exams. It was great to see but it would've been much better if she was able to celebrate it with her father. 

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you." Remus whispers and kisses the top of her head. 

He stands up and walks outside, leaving her alone inside the big dark room all by herself. Ebony stares at the jacket that hangs over her chair. She had left it there because she did not want to leave anymore. Maybe Remus was right, maybe she is supposed to leave even for a little while.

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