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NOT EVEN A WEEK HAD PASSED BUT ALL EVERYONE COULD TALK ABOUT WAS THE UPCOMING TOURNAMENT. Ebony feels indifferent about it all but she finds it amusing to hear Fred, George and Lee think of ways to enter without being caught. Meanwhile Ebony tried to avoid professor Moody at all cost, he still annoys her. 

The windows of the Great Hall are open and owls fly inside during breakfast to drop of letters and notes. Archibald, Cedric's owl, drops a letter right in front of Ebony before landing on her shoulder. 

"A letter from Sirius?" George asks, curiously. Ebony immediately shakes her head.

"If it were a letter from him, Archibald would've delivered it to my dorm. He has instructions on not dropping his letters off where other people are at." Ebony explains, giving the owl some bacon before he happily flies away again. She takes the envelope and smiles. "It's from Remus."

She quickly tears the envelope open and takes out the well-written letter. She knows he always writes in perfect cursive which is admirable since no one can ever read her handwriting. She always has to make sure to write extra slow.

Dear Ebony,

Your new professor sounds interesting to say the least. I had thought the sixth and seventh year students about curses too but never would I have shown unforgivable curses in front of children. He might be an ex-Auror but that doesn't mean that he's good with students so please be careful.

As for the Tournament, I'm pretty sure I once read that the victor for every school is decided by a magical system. Don't ask me which one, it has been years since I read this. I would say that no trick could possibly get past it though, so don't try to enter.

I have applied for a bunch of different jobs and am currently waiting for an answer so don't worry about me. I will turn out well. I'm long happy that I finally have contact with you personally, I now don't have to worry about you as long as you write me back every once in a while. 

Much love,

Uncle Moony.

PS. This owl always begs for food. What do owls eat? I am not very educated on Archibald yet.

She chuckles at the last part and puts her letter down. She looks up to see Fred, George and Lee continuing to think of ways to deceive the judge for the Triwizard Tournament. She clears her throat, catching their attention.

"According to Remus, the victor is decided by a magic system which won't be fooled by a bunch of sixth year students." Ebony explains, smiling.

"What kind of magic system?" Lee asks.

"He didn't know but it certainly won't let anyone who is not supposed to enter pass." Ebony replies, folding her letter and putting it in the pocket of her cloak. 

"The magic system has never met such original and sneaky students as us." Fred states. "We will fool whatever it is that decides who can participate."

"Whatever you say, I wish you luck." Ebony says in a sarcastic tone.

"You don't believe we can do it, do you?" Fred asks, frowning.

"No." Ebony admits. "I have no faith in you guys what-so-ever." 

"Alright, if you're so confident we're gonna fail. . . how about a bet?" Fred asks. "If we manage to sign up, you give us five galleons. If not, we will pay you." 

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