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RON HAD MADE KEEPER OF THE GRYFFINDOR QUIDDITCH TEAM. Ebony knows she needs to step up her game if she wants to find a brand-new team this Saturday so she made a notice on the notice board in the Slytherin common room. 


This Saturday are the try-outs for the Slytherin Quidditch Team. I, your new Captain Ebony Black, will allow anyone above the age of 12 to participate. I want to create a fair team with strong players, I do not allow cheating and will give harsh punishments if you were to do so.
Try-Outs this Saturday at 10 A.M.

She sits down at the Gryffindor table for dinner when suddenly an entire hoard of owls fly inside with letters. One of them is dropped in front of Ebony by none other than Archibald himself. Ebony thanks the owl and opens the envelope.

Dear Ebony,
I hope your first week went well. I have not heard anything from you but I'm sure you're busy considering it's your NEWT year. I wholeheartedly believe that you will do well and do not need to worry about the exams at the end of the year. I personally remember the homework to be the worst part about seventh year.

I am also very curious about your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I hope they are doing their absolute best to teach you kids something impor--- 

ReMuS oNlY wAnTs To KnOw WhEtHeR tHiS nEw TeAcHeR iS bEtTeR tHaN hIm! 

I'm so sorry for the ugly handwriting on the parchment, that is definitely not the reason why I asked about your new DADA professor. I hope you have a lot of fun and enjoy your last year, you will miss it when it's over.

Kind regards,
Moony :)

It was a nice letter but she did feel bad about not writing to them yet. Ebony went to her dorm to take some parchment and a quill and began to write her own letter which she would send to both Remus and Sirius as they were her parental figures.

Dear Remus,
I'm so sorry I forgot to write but this week has been absolute hell. Professor Umbridge, who is our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, has been nothing but a disrespectful toad. She insulted both you and Cedric which has also led to my first detention :)

I am doing good, there is a new portrait in the corridor of where the Hufflepuff common room is located. It's one of Cedric. I'm gonna be honest, I had some trouble with it at the beginning but I learned to love it. I wish I could talk to him more but he's pretty occupied with Hufflepuffs.

I am also preparing for the Quidditch Try-Outs. I will not accept defeat this year. I would love to win the cup since it's my only chance of proving that I am great at leading a team. Anyway, I hope you're doing well and that everything is good. . . both of you. 

Much love,

She puts the letter inside an envelope and leaves the Slytherin common room. She walks through the corridor of the dungeons, up the stairs and straight into Harry who was just leaving the Gryffindor common room with an envelope in his hand.

"Oh, hello Ebony." Harry says when he spots her.

"Also sending a letter?" She asks back and smirks when Harry nods. 

"Maybe we can send mine with Archibald since they're going the same way." 

"I would not go that way if I were you," Nearly Headless Nick -- ghost of Gryffindor -- says, drifting disconcertingly through a wall. "Peeves is planning an amusing joke on the next person to pass the bust of Paracelsus halfway down the corridor."

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