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THE SUN ROSE STEADILY OVER HOGWARTS, and the Great Hall blazed with life and light. Death Eaters were fleeing or else being captured, the innocent of Azkaban were being released at that very moment, and Kingsley Shacklebolt had been named temporary Minister of Magic...

They moved Voldemort's body and laid it in a chamber off the Hall, away from the bodies of Lavender Brown, Colin Creevey, and fifty others who had died fighting him. McGonagall had replaced the House tables, but nobody was sitting according to House anymore.

All were jumbled together, teachers and pupils, ghosts and parents, centaurs and house-elves, and Firenze lay recovering in a corner, and Grawp peered in through a smashed window, and people were throwing food into his laughing mouth.

Ebony looked around at the many people, at the vast majority who had fought and won. Her gaze fell upon the young Slytherins, the ones who had been fighting against their parents, the ones whom without -- she would've lost Tonks, Remus and Fred.

She stepped in front of them, they looked like outcasts, misfits. It was a wonder they were allowed to breath into Harry Potters direction even though they had been of great help and should be celebrated. 

"I wanted to thank you." Ebony said loud enough for each of them to hear. "Not only because you fought against tradition but because you believed in yourself enough to be able to put your pride aside and help out. I am and will always be proud of each and every one of you. And I am sorry I did not realize it sooner, I should've helped long before I did."

"You did what you could." Pansy said with a small smile. "I mean, you were there for us when nobody else was."

"I don't think I would've been able to stand up against my parents the way I did today if it wasn't for you." Daphne stated.

"It felt really good." Flora said, and giggled. "I mean, I finally have proved that I am stronger than they thought I was."

"We are all incredibly grateful towards you." Blaise stated. "Thank you for helping us."

Ebony nodded, turned around and began to walk back towards the Weasley's but a voice stopped her. She turned back and immediately got endulfed in a hug by Draco. "Thank you." 

Ebony hugged him back and soon, Blaise joined and after also Pansy, Daphne and Flora as well. It was a weird experience and she was sure it was an one of a kind experience. Ebony closed her eyes and let the feeling overtake her before they all pulled away.

"You were right, not all Slytherins are evil." Draco said softly with a shrug.

"No, but we definitely are." Ebony said to which they laughed. "I mean, we did snatch that Quidditch cup from those poor Gryffindors." 

"Damn right, we did!" Blaise said loudly. 

Ebony returned to Fred and hugged him tightly. The initial weight that had been on her shoulders lifted and she -- for the first time in a long time -- felt safe and peaceful again.

"I know I shouldn't be here but--" Ebony turned around at the sound of her mother's voice and looked at her.

"You saved my life, you have all the right to be here." Ebony replied and smiled at the woman in front of her. Everything seemed great, perfect even. It was nice and quiet. At least, until--

There was a woman in the doorway between the ruins of what once was the Great Hall. Ebony recognized her long blonde hair and freckled face. She looked not a day older than twenty-one and both Ebony's mother as well as Remus Lupin said the name at the same time.


The woman looked as if she had battled but Ebony would've known if she did. Then, she saw a glow around the woman, replacing the gray hairs. There was a cat-tail behind her that also disappeared with the glow. It was as if the woman had transformed from a gray cat into a-- SMOKEY!

"Surprise?" Katherine said with a small smile and walked forward. 

"What. . . how?" Esme asked as the blonde appeared in front of her. "They said you died."

"Bellatrix." Katherine mumbled back with disgust in her voice. "She cursed me to become a cat but when she died. . . the curse got lifted."

It was such an easy explanation but Ebony couldn't believe her eyes. The woman in front of her -- the one Remus could never shut up about -- had been alive all this time and was her cat. Esme hugged the blonde woman tightly, it looked like two best friends reuniting. Katherine looked at Remus when they pulled away.

"Hello werewolf." Katherine said with a small innocent smile.

"Hello feline." 

Ebony saw the awkwardness, Remus wanted to hug her but he was married and had a child. It was quiet for a moment before Katherine decided to speak up.

"Congratulations on both your wedding and your son." Katherine seemed like a genuinly nice person. "I am glad you found happiness." Remus nodded softly. "AND YOU!" 

Katherine turned to face Ebony at last. The raven-haired girl's eyes widened in shock at how she was addressed. Now she understood, Katherine's personality had a bit of similarity in Tonks'. They were both hyper and liked to joke around. Remus had an obvious type.

"You were the owner a little cat could have and I am so sorry I couldn't comfort you better."

"You did well considering you saved my ass more than once." Ebony replied to which Katherine hummed.

"I owed your father that." Katherine moved a bit closer and smirked. "Congratulations on the wedding, by the way." Ebony thanked her. "And the baby." Katherine whispered.

"What baby?" Ebony asked back, confusedly.

"I was a cat, remember? I noticed things before you noticed them." Ebony's eyes widened at her. "And I'll break the surprise for you. . . they are twin girls." Ebony chuckled and gave Katherine a hug. 

"How do you know?"

"I could smell it." Katherine told her. "No joke, I could smell everything. It was terrible, I do not miss it. Also the flees, they were so annoying." 

"Plaingrove." Professor McGonagall said and Katherine turned around. "Not a second older than when Bellatrix turned you."

"I had great skin care as a cat." 

There was a hint in McGonagall's eyes that made Ebony believe she knew all this time about Smokey's secret second identity. The professor smirked at Ebony and looked down at her stomach before smiling and walking away. 

She really was pregnant.

"Fred?" Ebony said and walked down to where he was standing with his family. The ginger man looked up and smiled at her. "We're moving back into 12 Grimmauld Place."

"What? Why? I know George and Lee were annoying but Lee is leaving so it'll just be you, me and George again." Fred stated.

"You, George, me and two baby girls." Fred nodded and smiled at her before she saw the realization sink into him. 



Written: 28/07/2023

Word Count: 1157

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