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SUNDAY MORNING, Ebony walks outside of her common room after everyone else has. She doesn't want to face Derrick anymore, especially since he's probably pissed at her. Ebony is surprised when she sees Fred lean against the wall.

"Morning." He says, casually. A small smile on his face.

"Morning." Ebony replies, mirroring his smile. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came from the Great Hall and noticed that you weren't there so I thought I'd come and pick you up." Fred states. "You know, it's something a good boyfriend would do." Ebony shakes her head while a chuckle falls from her lips. They start walking towards the Great Hall for breakfast. "Did Derrick annoy you again?"

"No." Ebony replies. "I have been avoiding him for the past days." 

"Good." Fred says. "You know, I asked Harry how he got his name in the goblet but he wouldn't tell me." 

"I don't think he did it." Fred frowns at her. "Didn't you see the look of utter disbelief on his face when his name was called?" 

"Yeah but anyone can act." Fred replies. Ebony shakes her head but decides to leave it. Maybe Harry did put his name inside.

"I'm just happy Cedric gets his time to shine." Fred stops her from entering the Great Hall when they stand in front of the open doors. 

"Time to start acting like we're madly in love." He says with a smirk. Fred takes her hand and pulls her closer to him before wrapping his arm around her waist. 

"You sure about this?"

"Are you?"


"Good." They start walking. Ebony is extremely nervous when she feels a bunch of people turn to face them but she does her best to hide it. Fred squeezes her hip gently which makes her smile unconsciously. They sit down next to each other at the Gryffindor table.

"What is going on between you two?" George asks, looking between his brother and his best friend.

"Ebony and I are dating." There are mixed reactions from everyone. Hermione's and Ron's jaw drop, Harry stares at them, George blinks, Lee gasps, Angelina chokes on her drink but it's Ginny -- Fred's younger sister -- that starts clapping excitedly.

"I told you! I told all of you!" She says, pointing at everyone around her. "I knew from the first Christmas Ebony spend with us." 

"How long have you two been dating?" Lee asks.

"At least a couple of days." George replies, looking at them as if everything suddenly makes sense to him. "The longing stares, the sudden hugs and the absence of the both of them. They started dating after the detention with Snape!" 

"Exactly." Ebony replies, deciding to go with it. It's easy to explain and thanks to George, everyone now believes them. She dares to look over at the Slytherin table, most of whom glare at her and Fred. The whole anti Gryffindor thing is still a thing over there.

"Look at that, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor!" Lee says, practically jumping up and down. "Who would've thought." Ebony looks over at Professor McGonagall who is currently receiving some galleons from Dumbledore. She frowns but decides to ask later. 


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