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EBONY HAD LEFT OLLIVANDER'S SHOP WITH A DOUBLE-FEELING. She did not like the way he just left without explaining to her why he did so. Well, at least he left her a letter but still. She was sure there had been more encounters with Death Eaters instead of the one he had that day. 

Walking down the street towards the Leaky Cauldron seemed dangerous but she couldn't care less. Ebony believed she was perfectly fine protected as she had her trusty wand inside her pocket. The Horned Serpent Horn would not let her down. 

When she was about thirty feet away from the building, she heard rummaging from behind her. As if someone was scouting the streets for something. Ebony ignored this until she heard the same low musical tone she had heard earlier that day in Ollivander's. She grabbed her wand and sped up until she arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. 

Once inside, the musical tone had disappeared and was replaced with a bunch of happy laughter and cheerful conversations. Ebony shrugged off her jacket and hung this one up near the door before walking deeper inside the pub. Her gaze eventually landed on a very drunk George and a seemingly annoyed Fred.

"Hello men." Ebony said as she appeared in front of the two. "Congratulations again on the apartment. I knew you two would be able to do it." 

"Ebs!" George drunkily muttered and grabbed her hand before he pulled her closer. She shrieked and sat down next to him while looking at Fred who shook his head with a smile on his face. "We uh. . . wented to aske yew sometin." 

"What did you want to ask me, George?" Ebony asked him in a very child-friendly voice. 

"Fweddie and I, we uh. . . live togener and uh, we wented to ask if uh. . ." George seemed too far gone to be able to think correctly. "Cam live win us?" 

"What?" Ebony asked and looked at Fred curiously. He looked just as nervous as he had back in the shop when he came to visit earlier. It made Ebony worry a little.

"He asked if you want to come live with us?" Fred stated, looking down at his hands. 

"What!" Ebony asked loudly, it was obvious she was in disbelief.

"Look, I know we aren't together anymore but. . . I mean we're best friends, right?" Fred said. "I remember talking about this in our third year, how one day we would live together and just enjoy life as the friends we are." 

Ebony did remember that. She remembered how she spoke to Fred about a future together, how she would like to live near so they could always hang out whenever they wanted but now, after having dated and the break up and how she definitely still loves him even though she denies that fact over and over again. . . 

She stared at the table in front of her as she let her thoughts sink in for a moment. She still loved him. How was that possible? After the mess they left behind and the constant arguing. . . how did she still love him? Weren't these feelings supposed to be gone already? 

"It's a phase, most couples go through it. Only a few are able to get passed it."

Lee's words traveled through her mind like a bounceball. It hit every single nerve inside of her and -- she had to admit -- maybe he was right. Maybe all couples argue whenever times are stressful and maybe she did regret breaking up with Fred. 

"Ebs?" Fred asks, his tone was obviously concerned. "Hey, we won't force you, it was just an idea." 

Ebony stood up and walked towards the door. She grabbed her jacket, put it on and stepped outside in the rather cold summer wind. A million thoughts were running through her head, flashed from her past, the firework which said 'I love you' , the words Fred had spoken to her when she worked her first day at Ollivanders. . . it was all too much. 

She missed her brother whom she would've asked for advice, she missed her father whom would've told her to just do whatever reckless thing she could think of 'cause you only live once, she missed Claudia who would've hugged her and calmed her raging nerves down. 

It was unfair.

Why was she still not over them? Why did she still dwell on the past. It has been years, months, weeks since their death but she remained weak. She felt her tears roll down her cheeks and the sick feeling in her stomach. Why was life this hard? Why did nobody ever warn her?

"I'm sorry for walking away." Ebony muttered, well-aware of the figure stood behind her. "I just needed some air, to breathe." She did not turn around, too stubborn to face him.

"Do not apologize for the situation we have put you in." Fred replied, his hands in the pockets of his jeans and the tie loosely undone around his neck.

"Can you hug me again, please?" 

"Of course, come here." He opened his arms, not a second later they wrapped around her. The familiar safe feeling was back. 

She had felt the same when she realized her father escaped Azkaban and she needed comfort, she felt the same when Derick was after her and she needed to vent, she felt the same when Fred had kissed her for the first time and cuddled her afterwards and she felt the same when she lost Cedric and needed someone to hold on to.

"Life should come with an instructions guide." Ebony muttered against his chest. Fred chuckled, his entire body vibrated against hers as the joyful sound left him.

"All of a sudden?" He asked and pulled away enough to be able to look into her eyes. "What's wrong? What happened to your confident attitude?" 

Ebony stared into his warm and friendly chocolate brown eyes, she saw nothing but love. His eyes reminded her of the hot chocolate milk she would consume every winter, they reminded her of the fall leaves that dropped to the ground when it got colder, they reminded her of home.

Her gaze dropped -- maybe for only a milisecond -- to his lips before they reconnected with his own strong gaze but he had noticed. Of course he had, he was Fred Weasley, the man who always noticed every small detail about her life even before she herself knew.

"I have been a huge dick towards you." Fred whispered. "I wanted you to be safe and if that meant I had to lock you up behind bullet proof glass, then so be it. I wasn't thinking about you and how you felt, I only thought about my own selfish feelings. I am sorry for trying to control your life and I am sorry I made you feel bad for all those hurtful things I muttered." 

Fred took a deep breath before he continued. "Truth is, you do not deserve any of that and when I heard your father tell you that nobody was ever really safe and he would rather you live happily even if you would have to risk your life everyday then live safely but in misery. . . I realized how selfish and stupid I have really been. Of course, this is no excuse but, I hope you do consider looking past this mistake of mine someday."

"Fred, I--" The same musical tone rung in her head like an alarm, it was loud and obvious and it sucked. She looked around, hoping to find the source when she heard a bunch of noise come from inside the pub. She grabbed Fred's hand and pulled him down the street to hide behind a bunch of trash can containers. 

"What is going on?" Fred asked but Ebony held her hand in front of his mouth to shush him. The door of the Leaky Cauldron opened and two Death Eaters ran outside, holding their wands. Three Aurors appeared in the doorway and pointed their wands towards the two followers of Voldemort.

"You are under arrest!" One of the Auror's said and nodded to her colluegues. They grabbed the two Death Eaters and apparated away from Diagon Alley. Both Fred and Ebony looked at one another before remembering:



Written: 25/07/2023

Word Count: 1389

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