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EBONY HAD WOKEN UP EARLY THIS MORNING and immediately made her way over to Cedric's bedroom. She pushes the door open and for a moment looks at his peaceful sleeping figure before jumping on top of him and shaking him awake. 

"Wake up, Ced! It's Christmas morning!" She says loudly. Cedric groans and pushes her off the bed. She laughs as he sits up and rubs in his eyes. "Merry Christmas, Ced!" He chuckles.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Ebs." She drags him outside of his bedroom and down towards the living room where a bunch of presents are laid out under the tree. 

"Merry Christmas to the both of you!" Amos says, happily. They return the greetings and sit down in front of the tree to open the presents, figuring they have waited long enough now. 

Ebony had gotten a new quill from Amos which was made of real silver, from Cedric she received a muggle book called a Game of Thrones, she had received a dark green sweater with a black E knitted on it from Molly, a necklace from Fred and George which says Mischief Managed and 5 chocolate scented bath bombs from Lee. 

She is unbelievably happy and can't imagine better presents at all. She quickly goes to hug Cedric for the book which she had wanted ever since it had come out. He laughs and hugs her back. 

"Does any of you want to help me with the cookies? They didn't really turn out great." Amos asks. Both Cedric and Ebony jump up and rush over to the kitchen where they see the mess. Most of the gingerbread cookies are missing limbs and the house is slowly falling apart on its own. "Claudia always knew how to bake better than me... I reckon you inherited some of those talents, right kids?"

"We'll fix it, don't worry, dad." Cedric says, ushering his father out of the kitchen.

"They will all be looking great by dinner time!" Ebony promises and turns to face the mess. "Let's begin with the house and then we'll find a way around those cookies." She suggests.

"We can always use simple charms to fix the mistakes." Cedric states, taking his wand from his pocket. 

"We will not spend Christmas using magic!" Ebony scolds him. "This is supposed to be fun, not practical." Cedric immediately puts the wand back in his pocket and goes to the gingerbread house. 

"Fine, let's begin then." The house was much harder to fix than Ebony anticipated. The entire thing was constantly fighting with gravity to the point where both kids gave up and decided to move to the cookies first. They found this a lot more fun. 

Ebony and Cedric made sure to give the cookies with missing limbs complete make-overs. Some had a cast, some were zombies, some were mummies and others were pirates. It didn't look very Christmassy at the end of the day but it was cute and fun. 

"Now, how will we possibly fix this?" Cedric asks, standing in front of the doomed gingerbread house. Ebony stares at it for a moment before smirking. 

"We could pretend it once was a house but through the years it became a ruin." Cedric chuckles. 

"Decorate the ruins then?" He asks, Ebony nods and they begin. The dedication the two of them have on this project is insane. They make sure to put runes inside them to discover while eating and also drop a lot of chocolate over it. Cedric said its supposed to be mud. 

"We're a great team. We could start a bakery and do this everyday." Cedric says, finishing up the house. 

"I don't think I would want to spend the rest of my life stuck in a kitchen with you, Ced--" Before she can finish the sentence, a cold sticky substance is pushed against her cheek. She stares at her 'brother' who does his best not to laugh. Ebony reaches up and tastes the yellow fondant. "So, we're gonna play dirty?" She asks, reaching for the green fondant. 

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