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BEING QUIET FOR A MONTH PROVED to be much harder than anyone had anticipated. Ebony almost talked multiple times meanwhile she's sure that Fred and George did talk on some occasions even if no one else was around. When October finally came around and the month was fully over, they all couldn't be happier, spitting out the leaves and adding them to the potion Lee had made. 

"So, we leave this for seven days and don't look at it. Then we take it when the next electric storm hits." Fred says, looking down at the draught. "It feels good to talk again."

"Yeah, it was definitely not what I expected it would be." George adds.

"Does this mean I officially won the bet?" Ebony asks, smirking at her two best friends. The twins look at each other before groaning, realizing they spoke before she did. 

"Fine, yeah, whatever. Go tell everyone about your victory." George says, annoyed.

"Anyways, now I need to make it to Quidditch practice, see you guys around." It doesn't take long for the Slytherin girl to make it outside and on the field. She changes into her uniform in the empty locker-room. Sure, she is proud to be the only girl but she would've liked some female company. The boys here are pretty sexist. 

"Good, you at least are on time." A bonus was Draco. He has become a bit nicer towards her after the whole hair-incident. He had to walk around with purple hair for a week straight before the spell finally stopped working. 

Soon, the beaters Lucian and Derrick arrive too and they all simply stand around, waiting for their captain, Marcus, who arrives ten minutes late with the other chaser Adrien. 

"Where is Miles?" Draco asks, referring to their Keeper.

"He is sick and couldn't come today." Marcus replies. "Listen, we are playing our first game against Gryffindor and I will not lose against those blood traitors." Ebony rolls her eyes, she knows damn well her father might be a murderer but at least he didn't believe in blood-supremacy. "So, let's win the damn quidditch cup again."

"Shouldn't be too hard, we've got a great team." Draco replies, smirking.

"He's right." Marcus states. "We got two unbeatable beaters, one amazing keeper, a great seeker and two powerful chasers--" Ebony clears her throat, glaring at him. "What, Black?"

"Don't you mean three powerful chasers?" She asks.

"Oh, who's the third?" Adrien asks, smirking. Everyone laughs except for Derrick who remains silent. 

"Well, it isn't gonna be you, is it?" Ebony asks. "If you want to be sexist here, go ahead. Then you can spend your next weeks looking for another Chaser who is even half as good as me."

"You're not really quitting the team, are you?" Lucian asks.

"What? Now you're scared?" Ebony asks back. "If I didn't enjoy Quidditch as much as I do, I would've quit long ago."

"Enough talk, let's practice. We've only got three hours." Marcus announces. It was very clear that practice went anything but good. Everyone was uncoordinated and unfocused. The last fifteen minutes it had began raining which made everyone's mood fall. Ebony was actually really relieved when practice was over, she had changed and taken a shower before running through the rain towards the castle where dinner was already served.

She marches inside behind the Quidditch team, all of them drained by the rain. While every one of them goes to the Slytherin table, Ebony walks over to the Gryffindor one and sits down. "You look rough." George comments.

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