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EBONY RECOGNIZED THE HOUSE THEY ARRIVED IN VERY WELL. She stood still in shock as she watched her husband close the curtains and held his wand as he checked the rooms around them to see if there were intruiders. Luckily, everything seemed to be clear and safe. He turned around and watched her shaking form, Fred stepped towards her and pulled her into his arms.

"What is happening?" Ebony asked softly as she let her eyes close and lean closer to Fred. "Why are we here? We should go back, see if anybody needs help or if there is anything we can do--"

"Sweetheart, calm down, okay? I'll explain." Fred said, pulling back and placing his hands on her shoulders. "George and I made a plan about a month ago when Dumbledore was murdered. We figured a war would come and we would need to hide. So, we decided to come here--"

Just then another two figures apparated inside the house, it was obvious these two were George Weasley and Lee Jordan but -- just to be sure -- Fred drew his wand and pointed it at his brother and best friend. The two let it happen, not struggling against it.

"Name of the only book I ever managed to finish?" Fred asked and George smirked while looking between his brother and his wife.

"Beauty and the Beast, you wanted to read the book fully because it was one of the fairy tales your now-wife grew up with." Ebony hadn't known this fact but when Fred lowered his wand, she was sure it was true. "Listen, everyone fleed, I do not know what happened after we left."

"It's fine, they will all be fine." Fred muttered but everyone knew this was highly unlikely. There was a real fight and it must've brought along some serious problems. "Let's stay here, our apartment might not be fully safe and this is the only other place we know they cannot come."

12 Grimmauld Place was a dark house but also protected by the Order of the Phoenix with tons of protecting charms. If anyone wanted to break inside, they would need a serious army to be able to make their way through the walls.

"I'm sorry your wedding had to end this way." Lee said as he looked between the both of them.

"At least we had a wedding." Ebony replied. "Together, for as long as it will be." She said and Fred nodded back at her, taking her hand. 

Time went incredibly slow and they were all sure something bad was happening. George had left a day after the attack on the wedding to see whether their apartment above the shop was safe and when he came back and confirmed there was nothing to be afraid of, they all moved.

Ebony and Fred worked on protecting spells, a bunch of different ones to form a thick wall no one could get through -- at least they hoped. Lee decided to make a radio channel, one where he would be able to talk about the war and who had died to inform people of the status. Potterwatch he had called it.

"Where are you going?" Fred asked his brother as he realized he wore a jacket and looked ready to leave the apartment. 

"Getting some fresh air."

"You've been getting tons of that lately." Fred stated with a frown. "You leave about five times a week. Where are you always heading?" 

"Mom." George replied with a sigh. "I just wanna make sure." At last, Fred nodded and watched his brother apparate away. 

"Hey, darling." Ebony said as she walked inside the kitchen of the apartment with a bunch of letters in her hands. "Your mom sent one, she asks how we are doing." Fred frowned and took the letter from his wife to check it.

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