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TODAY IS THE GAME GRYFFINDOR VS RAVENCLAW and Ebony walks into the great hall for breakfast only to see many students gawking over Harry's new broom. A firebolt. She sits down next to her best friends. 

"Now, now, Penny, no sabotage!" says Percy heartily as she examines the Firebolt closely. "Penelope and I have got a bet on," he tells the team. "Ten Galleons on the outcome of the match!" Penelope puts the Firebolt down again, thanks Harry, and goes back to her table.

"Harry — make sure you win," Percy says, in an urgent whisper. "I haven't got ten Galleons. Yes, I'm coming, Penny!" And he bustles off to join her in a piece of toast.

"Sure you can manage that broom, Potter?" a cold, drawling voice asks. Draco Malfoy has arrived for a closer look, Crabbe and Goyle right behind him.

"Yeah, reckon so," Harry replies casually.

"Got plenty of special features, hasn't it?" says Malfoy, eyes glittering maliciously. "Shame it doesn't come with a parachute — in case you get too near a dementor." Crabbe and Goyle snigger.

"Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours, Malfoy," Harry says. "Then it could catch the Snitch for you."

The Gryffindor team laughs loudly. Malfoy's pale eyes narrow, and he stalks away. They watch him re-join the rest of the Slytherin team, who put their heads together, no doubt asking Malfoy whether Harry's broom really was a Firebolt. 

Ebony hadn't told anyone about the broom in her closet, she had used her old one to practice. She would love to wipe that smirk off of Potter's face. "Ebs, will you paint your face again for this match?" Fred asks, smiling at her. 

"I might, why? Want to be able to spot me?" She asks back with a small smirk on her face. Fred takes out his Gryffindor jumper and hands it to her.

"Just thought you'd like to support your two best friends." He winks before leaving with the team to the Quidditch pitch. Ebony chuckles and decides to pull the jumper over her head and add the Gryffindor colours to her cheeks with paint. Her hair, like always, braided into two braids. She loves having braids for Quidditch matches, whether it be playing them or watching.

She walks down to the Quidditch pitch with Lee not long after. While he goes to the professor's spot where he will be able to commentate, she goes to a different stand and looks over the field. Ebony watches as the two teams step onto the grass and mount their brooms. A whistle goes off and officially starts the game. 

"They're off, and the big excitement this match is the Firebolt that Harry Potter is flying for Gryffindor. According to Which Broomstick, the Firebolt's going to be the broom of choice for the national teams at this year's World Championship —"

"Jordan, would you mind telling us what's going on in the match?" interrupts Professor McGonagall's voice.

"Right you are, Professor — just giving a bit of background information — the Firebolt, incidentally, has a built-in auto-brake and —"


"Okay, okay, Gryffindor in possession, Katie Bell of Gryffindor heading for goal . . ."

Harry streaks past Katie in the opposite direction, gazing around for a glint of gold and noticing that Cho Chang is tailing him closely. She is undoubtedly a very good flier — she keeps cutting across him, forcing him to change direction.

"Show her your acceleration, Harry!" Fred yells as he whooshes past in pursuit of a Bludger that is aiming for Alicia.

Harry urges the Firebolt forward as they round the Ravenclaw goalposts and Cho falls behind. Just as Katie succeeds in scoring the first goal of the match, and the Gryffindor end of the field goes wild, including Ebony who cheers possibly louder than anyone else. Fred looks over and smiles when he sees her wearing his jumper. He returns his focus to the game. 

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