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CHRISTMAS BREAK WAS OVER, and Ebony stood back on platform nine and three quarters with Remus and a very interesting dog next to her. Many people smiled at her to whom she smiled back. 

"This is the last time we'll stand here to send you off." Remus says with a sad smile on his face. "Time flies."

"It doesn't help that you had to miss me for a long time." Ebony reminds him to which he hums. 

"Well, see you this summer then--"

"We'll see you at graduation." Remus reminds her and gives her a hug. She immediately hugs him back before she squats down to pet Sirius. He reveals a letter he had taken from somewhere. Ebony frowns and takes it. It's from Ollivander.

"Thank you." 

She takes her trunks and walks towards the train. She gets inside with the Weasley twins and sit down in a compartment together. Ebony waves goodbye to Remus and her dad before opening the envelope eagerly.

"Who's it from?" 

"Ollivander." Ebony replies and peels it open.

Dear Miss Black,
Merry Christmas to you too.

I am delighted to hear from you, it is not often that students seek contact with me. I'm glad you're curious about wand lore and interested in the art of creation. Again, it is not often that people are as curious as you and act on it as well.

It would be my honor to dedicate my time to tutor the new generation of wandmakers even if it is only one person. I will be attending Hogwarts Graduation so we can talk then in person. I would love to have you as my apprentice and can't wait to talk to you.

Kind Regards,
Garrick Ollivander

"That is such good news!" George says, loudly. "It means we'll be working very close to one another!"

"I can't believe it. He actually agreed!" Ebony says with a big smile on her face.

"You should tell McGonagall about that. I bet she'd be proud." George replies.

"Yeah, I will." Ebony states. 


ARRIVING IN HOGWARTS IS ALWAYS MAGICAL. Everything is decorated and prepared neatly. It was one of the prettiest places she know and it's sad she won't ever see Hogwarts again when it's Christmas time. She is about to sit down with her friends when Umbridge appears before her.

"I see no need for a Slytherin student to sit at the Gryffindor table." She states in her high annoying voice. 

"They are my friends, so I will be sitting with--"

"You will not." Umbridge interrupts. "You will walk down a couple of tables and sit at the Slytherin table." 

"Fine." She walks away from the pink toad and sits down next to Nadine.

"What a bitch." The girl mumbles to which Ebony hums in agreement. 

"Honestly, someone really should teach her a lesson. Unfortunately, everyone is too afraid to do it since she works for the ministry." 

"It would serve her right, embarrassment in front of the whole school." It was nice to think about it but Ebony knew it would never happen. 

"I'm just glad we get to eat a feast without having to pay for it." Ebony mumbles to which Nadine laughs. 

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