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FIRST OF SEPTEMBER. . . It had always been the day Ebony looked forward to the most but this year, somehow, she knows it will be much harder to get through. 

Two months, 60 days long did she have to hear everyone have sympathy with her. She saw how people were walking on eggshells around her because they didn't want her to break. She can't go on like that. She wants to be normal again. 

The only two people who genuinely didn't treat her differently were her own boyfriend and her best friend. They somehow knew not to treat her like she's made of glass and she's very thankful. Which is why she is currently trying not to laugh as both Mrs. Weasley and the portrait of Mrs. Black scold the twins.

They had bewitched their luggage's so they wouldn't have to carry them downstairs but instead they hit Ginny and she flew down two flights of stairs into the hall. It was hilarious considering Ebony casted a landing spell on the girl before she could get injured but Molly was still ballistic.



Once the scolding has finally stopped, the three gather inside the living room where Sirius, Remus, Tonks and some other of the guard have appeared. Ebony remains quiet, she worries a little about how this year will go. She had taken Smokey next to her and is now petting her grey cat who hangs around Sirius a lot.

"Ebony, we have something for you that we think you'd like." Sirius says, grabbing her attention. He holds up a cage with a familiar black-brown owl with pointy ears inside.

"Archibald?" She stands up from her position on the table and takes the cage from her father. "I wondered where you had been?"

"Dumbledore wanted to bring him back to the Magical Menagerie, some of us told him to just set him free but it was Minerva who told him to give Archibald to you." Tonks explains, smiling. 

"Thanks." Ebony mumbles, sitting back down and placing the cage with her brother's owl inside next to her and Smokey. It usually isn't allowed to have two pets in school but since she is the 'broken one' no one would bat an eye. 

"WILL YOU LOT GET DOWN HERE NOW, PLEASE!" Mrs. Weasley bellows. 

When Harry, Hermione and Ron had finally come down from their rooms, everyone gets ready to leave the dark house and instead go back to the familiar platform on the station. 

"Leave your trunk and your owl, Alastor's going to deal with the luggage... oh, for heaven's sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!" 

Ebony looks down and sees a bear-like dog in-between her and Harry. She smirks at the Animagus and looks up at Remus who chuckles lightly.

"Oh honestly... " says Mrs. Weasley despairingly. "Well, on your own head be it!"


IT HAD TAKEN ABOUT TWENTY MINUTES FOR THEM TO REACH KING'S CROSS STATION. The journey towards it was rather uneventful which Ebony liked. For once there wasn't much to think or worry about and she could just go with the flow. 

Each of them enters platform 9 and 3/4 individually but close after one another. Ebony stays close to her two redheaded friends and looks around at the many students. Some of which she recognizes and some of which she absolutely never saw before. 

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