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IT WAS OFFICIALLY CHIRSTMAS. Normally Ebony would've absolutely loved this but she feels as though this year is a very weird year. Maybe she doesn't officially have her boyfriend there anymore. She walks downstairs because nobody had warned her about the crying Molly.

"Merry Christmas, lil' padfoot!" Sirius says, happily and opens his arms wide. Ebony hugs him.

"Merry Christmas, dad." 

Molly's cries only grow louder and it makes her feel bad about her situation with Percy. Ebony personally doesn't remember ever having trouble with the elder Weasley but people change and he might've changed for the very worst.

"Can I talk to you about something important?" Ebony asks her father once they pull away from the hug. 

"Sure, in private?"

"Not necessarily." Ebony tells him and the two sit down. 

Before she can begin her conversation, however, everyone else seem to have just woken up and enter the room as well. They all sit down at the table and make their own breakfast with the things that were spread around. 

"Go ahead." Sirius tells Ebony who smiles.

"So, I'm still not sure what I want to do after Hogwarts and I was wondering whether you knew. It has been a bit of a struggle to be honest."

"I remember that." Sirius agrees with a nod. "It's not easy to know what you want to do. Maybe you'll try some things and not like it anymore. . . it depends." Ebony hums. "What did Snape tell you after your fifth year?"

"It wasn't Snape. I think he was too pissed to talk to me so Minnie did it instead."

"That's good! Minnie loves you!" Sirius replies with a big smile. "Go ahead, tell me."

"She suggested I could be an Arithmancer, a Curse Breaker, a Dragon keeper, an Archaelogist, a professional Quidditch Player, I believe she also said I could become an Auror or a Healer and she said something about becoming a Professor too."

"She really did her best on you, didn't she?" Sirius asks with a smirk. Ebony shrugs innocently. "What do you want to be?"

"I always said that I didn't want an office job because it would drain me from everything but it might be the safest option."

"Darling, if we only chose to live safe behind a wall, we would never be able to taste life at all." 

"That's awfully wise." Ebony replies.

"I know you want to be safe but are we ever really? What matters is that you do what you wish to do. I don't care if you risk your life everyday, I would care, however, if you chose to be safe and live miserably." Ebony smiles softly. "So, what is it that you want?"

"I think at the time I leaned towards Curse-Breaker but I decided that's not really for me." Ebony admits. "An Auror maybe or . . ." She smiles.

"What? What is it?"

"When I got to make my own Quidditch team, I remember feeling so happy. Especially when we our first match, I was so proud."

"Professional Quidditch Player sounds nice. But it's hard work."

"No, dad." Ebony replies. "I didn't mean professionally. I meant, I would like to work in a team. You know? Do things together and celebrate together."

"One piece of advice, just stay far away from the Ministry." Ebony chuckles at his words.

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