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EBONY HAD JUST TOLD FRED AND GEORGE THAT SHE WAS THROWN OFF THE TEAM, and their reactions were funny to see. Not to mention, the entire Slytherin team got hate from all directions at their actions from the other day.

"Flint really didn't think it through! He just lost his best player." Fred says annoyedly, ignoring the looks he is getting from everyone else in the library.

"It doesn't bother me all that much. At least my last game was legendary... that's all I wanted." Ebony replies but Fred sees right through her.

"Ebs, we have been best friends for five years... almost six. You always talked about how badly you wanted to make the team and when you finally did in our third year, you were ecstatic. You can't trick me into thinking that this doesn't bother you." Ebony sighs and closes her book.

"Honestly, it wasn't fun anymore. Flint couldn't keep his misogynistic comments for himself, everyone constantly cheated and I felt left out most of the time. It's better this way." 

The two return to studying. They had been inside the library for the past two hours, trying to push the information inside of them for their upcoming O.W.L. exams. 

"Why did I ever take divination?" Fred asks, he groans and hits his head against the table. Ebony chuckles. 

"Because you thought that it would be as simple as making things up. You were wrong." She replies, smirking. "Which is why I chose Ancient Runes and Arithmancy." 

"Yeah, the two hardest classes ever. Besides, you also take Care of Magical Creatures which gives you almost no time for yourself. You really are a different bread." Fred complains.

"I take classes I'm interested in, not classes I find easy. The difference is... I actually enjoy studying for them."

"Shut up or you'll sound just like Hermione." Ebony chuckles again and closes her book. "What are you doing?"

"Returning everything to their places. It's dinner time, Freddie."

"Finally!" The boy breathes out. He seemingly found a new source of energy as he quickly puts their books away and drags her towards the Great Hall. "I never knew studying could be so hard."

"Well, it is school. I don't know what you expected honestly."

"Do you smell that?" Fred asks suddenly, stopping with walking. 

"Smell what?" 

"Strawberries." Fred replies. Ebony chuckles.

"That's my new shampoo. I got it from a muggle store somewhere in London. Whenever I wash my hair it smells like strawberries." Fred takes a couple strands of her hair and leans closer to take in the smell. 

"Blimey! That's a very strong smell for shampoo. But it suits you so I'm not complaining." Ebony pushes him playfully and continues to walk down the corridor.

They enter and sit down in front of Lee and George. The mood suddenly changes... it feels sad. "What's going on?" Ebony asks, looking at her two friends.

"Marietta dumped Lee." George replies. Ebony's eyes widen at the news, she had thought they would be together forever since they really looked like they were made for each other.

"She didn't do it nicely either. Said she didn't like my energy and that I should learn to grow up." Lee replies, sounding like a puppy who just got kicked. "How am I supposed to concentrate on my O.W.L.s if this happened to me?"

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