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OCTOBER 31ST. First Hogsmeade trip of the year and Ebony enters the Great Hall that morning to meet up with her friends only to be met by Fred who stands alone as if he was waiting for something. 

"Good morning, darling." He says with a smile on his face. "Since this is our first Hogsmeade trip, I want to spend it together." Ebony looks around the hall suspiciously, knowing her boyfriend very well. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for some extravagant and dramatic thing that you did to ask me out." 

"I did not, in fact, I was told off by Professor McGonagall when she saw me try." Fred replies with a smirk. "Do not worry." 

"Alright, yes I will go out with you--" Just then a loud BOOM comes from the back of the hall and big letters appear on the wall with the text: 'Fred and Ebony's perfect Hogsmeade date!'

"You are unbelievable."

"Thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment."

"Believe me, sweetheart, it was." Fred states and kisses her cheek.


FRED STEPS OUT OF THE CARRIAGE FIRST, and turns around to help Ebony step out as well as if she was some princess that needed a hand to get out. They decide to leave the station and walk down towards the village.

"Where did you want to go to first?"

"Didn't you ask me out?" Ebony asks back with a smirk. "Aren't you supposed to know where you'll take me?"

"I want you to go wherever you want to go. We can talk about me later." It was very sweet of him. Ebony knew he'd love to visit Zonko's or Honeydukes but she also knew how busy they were now. 

"Gladrag's Wizardwear is always a fun visit." Ebony suggests.

"Right, I somehow always forget where that shop is." Fred replies. 

"I'll show you." She takes his hand in hers and drags him towards the shop which she had found somewhere in their third year. She didn't exactly remember how she stumbled across it but she was grateful she did.

They enter the shop and are immediately overwhelmed with the smell of firewood and chocolate. It feels like a cozy winter night the moment they stepped inside the cute shop.

"Oh! They have a new collection of winter socks that keep your feet warm!" Ebony says and looks at the bunch. Fred smiles at her and shakes his head. He couldn't understand how she loved socks so much but it made him happy. "Do you want some too?" 

"I'm good--" But she had already taken five pairs and walked to the cashier. He chuckles to himself and waits for her before they leave the shop. 

"I got myself three pair in green, yellow and brown and I got you two. One in yellow and the other in red." 

"You didn't have to." 

Ebony knew she didn't have to but she did know his family struggled a lot with money. She had heard Molly and the twins talk over summer where she said that she gave more galleons to Ron and Ginny for their Hogsmeade trips so it wouldn't be obvious to them that they were struggling. She didn't want to panic them or make them feel bad.

Besides, Ebony loved buying her boyfriend some nice presents. . . especially since her family was known to be very wealthy. It was pure luck because in the end of the day, you cannot choose in which family you're born or in which family you grow up. She knows that too. 

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