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SHE LANDED INSIDE THE LIVING ROOM OF THE HOUSE. It was dark which meant everyone was currently sleeping. Ebony knew the way through the Burrow as well as she knew the way through Hogwarts. It wasn't hard to climb up the stairs and open the door to Fred and George's room. She saw one sleeping redhead while George's bed was empty.

"Fred?" She asked softly but received no answer. "Fred, wake up please--" He did but grabbed his wand and pointed it at her until he blinked and realized who was standing in front of him. 

"Ebs? What are you doing here?" 

She let him wake up slowly before handing him the parchment with the message on it. Fred carefully read it seven times because his brains didn't really realize the first time. When he had fully woken up and understood what was going on, he took her hand in his.

"Who would want to lead you outside in the middle of the bloody night?"

"I don't know but I had to know you weren't the one who wrote this letter." Ebony replied and looked over to the empty bed. "Where's George?"

"In Ron's room." Fred replied. "He said since Ron is at Hogwarts, he could have his own room now." Ebony chuckled. "Well, it wasn't me who wrote the letter."

"I'm well aware." Ebony replied and looked at the square clock that hung above the window. It was close to midnight. "I kind of want to go."


"Fred, someone is out trying to seperate me from whoever I might be with. I need to know who and why." Ebony stated while Fred shook his head in disagreement.

"I won't let you, do you know how dangerous. . ." Fred cut himself off and swallowed. Ebony frowned at him and squeezed his hand which she was still holding.


"Fine but I will come with you and hide somewhere so I can keep an eye on you." She watched as he stood up and began to get dressed. Ebony couldn't hide her confusion but managed to do her best. When Fred had fully gotten dressed and was ready to head out, he took her hand. 

Without another word, the two apparated down to Diagon Alley near the Leaky Cauldron. Ebony let go of Fred's hand and nodded at him. He ran towards the Weasley Wizard Wheezes shop and hid behind the building. Ebony walked down the street towards the pub when the musical tone of her wand returned to her. It was a handy yet scary feature. 

The tone got louder and louder yet she was sure it was all just in her head. Fred had never heard it -- he claimed -- even though he stood next to her once. The music suddenly stopped and she frowned to herself and looked around. Just then, the music returned and a crash was heard right behind her. Ebony turned around and saw a rock on the ground with a note attached to it.

Next time, come alone.

The musical tone had disappeared again and she began to panic. Her heartbeat raced in her chest so fast, she was sure it would be jumping out of her chest soon. Fred ran towards her and placed his hand on her lower back. He looked over her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeh." He followed her gaze down towards the rock and picked it up. 

"Next time, come alone." He read out loud before shaking his head. "Not happening, whoever is doing this is obviously just playing mind tricks." 

"They're not." Ebony replied and looked at her boyfriend. "Fred, I heard the low musical warning from my wand. It was a real treat."

"Then you're definitely not going again, come on." 

He decided to bring her home, seeing as this was the safest option for her. Ebony was still shaking when they walked inside 12 Grimmauld Place and even when the two reached her room, she was panicked. 

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

"Fred?" Her voice was very soft and almost weak. The redhead stopped and turned to face her. "Stay, please?" It broke his heart, and he would go out and murder the person who had scared his precious darling but he needed to stay with her so it would have to wait.

"Of course, whatever you need." 

They got into her bed and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close against his chest to be able to protect her. Ebony didn't know why this situation spooked her so much but she was sure it had something to do with the Death Eaters. 

"Stop worrying, I will always be here for you, yeah?" Fred whispered to her. Ebony hummed softly and closed her eyes as she pushed herself impossibly closer to Fred. Smokey began to meow again and crawled onto the bed. She nestled herself between Fred and Ebony to which they chuckled. "Someone's jealous."

The morning came rather quickly. Ebony had managed to fall asleep in Fred's arms after a while of pondering. When she woke up, she realized she wasn't safely in his arms anymore and instead Fred was cuddling Smokey. Ebony shook her head while stiffling a laugh before she got up. 

Deciding to take a shower, she went to the bathroom and undressed herself. She stepped inside and turned on the water. It wasn't hot nor cold which made for the perfect temperature according to her. Regardless of really wanting to know who made her come down to Diagon Alley, she found a moment to relax at least until. . .

"Smokey scratched me when I tried to kiss her because I thought she was you." Looking over to the doorway, Ebony saw a disappointed Fred with scratch marks in his face. She laughed at the sight. 

"Can you wait outside? I'll take care of your cuts when I'm done."

"Don't pretend I haven't seen you naked, darling." Fred replied, winked and turned around only to bump straight into the wall. Ebony bursted out laughing as her boyfriend groaned in pain. "Fuck, that hurts." He walked outside and sat himself down on her bed. 

"Idiot." Ebony mumbled and finished up. She took her small towel and wrapped her hair in it before covering her body with the large one. When she got out of the shower and stood in front of the boudoir, she saw a note on the mirror. The same panic spread across her again.

Tonight at midnight near the Leaky Cauldron.

Come alone or your boyfriend will suffer.

It was a straight up threat. Ebony was smarter than to do anything about it. She took the note and threw it inside the bin next to her mirror before walking into her bedroom and looking for clothes. Fred waited patiently until she was done and then took the necessary things to treat his wounds.

"Next time, maybe consider that I am not nearly as hairy as Smokey is."

"Ha ha, very funny." Fred said sarcastically.


Written: 25/07/2023

Word Count: 1145

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