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THERE WAS A BUSY CROWD AT PLATFORM NINE AND THREE QUARTERS. Ebony held onto her daughter's (Esme) hand. They were early but early somehow did not seem early enough. It was hard to navigate through towards an empty spot and when she looked back, they were alone.

"Yep, seems like daddy and Molly got lost, huh?" Ebony said with a shake of her head. Little Esme chuckled and looked towards the tracks where the train would soon come on. "Maybe we should go look for them-- no nevermind." 

"Sorry, it was hard to get here." Fred said, annoyedly. "Also, Molly wouldn't stop teasing me for hitting my head on the sign. I mean, who hangs a sign that low?"

"Daddy, the sign wasn't hung low, you are just too tall." Molly muttered in annoyance to which Fred pointed at her. 

"See what I have to put up with?" He asked his wife. "I mean, I love she shares a personality with you but your sassiness is killing me."

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with a girl who likes to make fun of her dad." Ebony stated and high-fived Molly. "Okay, girls, come here." The two turned around and faced their mother who squatted down in front of them. "I am already proud, got it? Have fun at school and stay true to your houses."

"What if we're in different houses?" Esme asked her parents. "I don't know if we can make that work."

"Your mom and I made it work." Fred said as he squatted down next to his wife. "We were best friends in different houses." 

"Yeah, you're right." Molly said. "We will still be best friends, even in different houses." 

"But we aim for the same one." Esme added. 

Both Fred and George stood back up straight when Remus and Tonks joined them with their son Teddy who will be entering his second year. He wore his Hufflepuff cardigan and smiled at the two younger girls to which they smiled back.

"Just so you know, I am not babysitting you might you end up in Hufflepuff." Teddy stated.

"Don't worry, I will not babysit you either if I end up sitting next to you at the House Table." Molly said back to which Ebony chuckled.

"You raised this monster." Fred whispered to her.

"Oh, Boo-Hoo." Ebony said back. 

When the train arrived, they waved their children goodbye and watched them enter. It was weird to see them leave but Ebony was sure they would have even more fun than she and Fred had. Besides, professor Longbottom and professor Plaingrove would be able to look over them or suffer because of their pranks. Either way, it couldn't go wrong.

When a day or two had passed, Ebony and Fred received the first letter from Esme who decided to tell them which houses she and her sister had been sorted into. Ebony smirked down at the parchment and joined her husband inside the kitchen.

"Guess what? Esme is a Gryffindor." Ebony told him to which Fred cheered happily.

"What about Molly?" 

"Slytherin." Fred's jaw dropped as he looked at his wife with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

"We'll be getting loads of letters, aren't we? They sound like exact copies of us." 

"Too late. We already received a letter from Headmistress McGonagall who wrote about stink bombs that were sent off in Flitwick's office." 

"Yep, they are definitely our daughters."


Written: 28/07/2023

Word Count: 562


Hello everyone! What a journey!

I am extremely happy I managed to finish this story with such a satisfying -- at least for me -- ending. I am glad you read it! Thank yew!

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