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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Ebony Black attends her sixth year at Hogwarts


SUMMER HAD BEEN GREAT SO FAR. Ebony finally felt at easy with everything that had been going on in her life. She writes Sirius and Remus every two weeks meanwhile she spends a lot of time testing some candies which she had invented herself on Cedric. She wanted to surprise the twins with them when they would meet again. 

However, she is dragged out of the comforts of her bed by her 'brother' at two in the morning. It's obviously still dark outside and there aren't many clouds in the sky. There shouldn't be any reasons her her to get up this early. . . But it's the Quidditch World Cup which she would love to watch. 

Amos had gotten tickets from someone he knew at the Ministry and therefor drags his two children out of bed to make the impossible long journey. After two hours of walking, Ebony had felt herself get tired and so Cedric decided to carry her on his back for a little while, seeing as he had been working out. 

They arrived at a hill top where Amos asked them to wait ten minutes ago. The two children sit themselves down on the grass for comfort. "Why did we have to get up so early if we're going to sit here?" Ebony asks, not being able to hide the annoyance in her voice. 

"The real question is why your results of the O.W.L. exams haven't arrived yet!" Amos says back. "They should've been here last week--" As if on cue, an owl flies down to them and drops an envelope next to Ebony before flying away again. Ebony reaches for the envelope and opens it after seeing the Hogwarts stamp on it. 

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Pass grades

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)

Fail grades

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)

Ebony Jamie Rhea Black has achieved

Astronomy  A

Ancient Runes  O

Arithmancy  O

Charms  E

Care for Magical Creatures  E

Defense Against the Dark Arts  O

Herbology  A

History of Magic  A

Potions  E

Transfiguration  E

All her worry had disappeared the moment she read over all the subjects and realized she didn't fail any of them. She smiles and looks up at Cedric.

"I think someone might've gotten better O.W.L.s than you, brother." She tells him, sneakily. Amos takes the parchment from her, Cedric stands up and looks over his father's shoulder at her notes. 

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