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EBONY WAS STOPPED BY FRED IN THE CORRIDOR. She waited for him to talk but he decided it would be better to talk in private so he brought her down to the kitchens. The house elves are always too busy to bat an eye to them. 

"I got you a coin, that way you can always re-join the DA whenever you want."

"Thank you, Freddie but. . . I don't want to re-join."

"What? Are you really gonna let those idiots scare you off like that?"

"I don't have a choice. They don't want me there." Ebony reminds him. "I might just focus on more important things."

"What could possibly be more important than learning how to fight?"

"I don't know, Fred! Maybe the Quidditch Team? Maybe our NEWTs."

"Come on! Our NEWTs are useless for our futures!" Fred replies, loudly. 

"Maybe for you but not for me!" Ebony states, raising her voice as well. "Not everyone is fine with working in a candy store--"

"It's a prank store!"

"Whatever! Same thing!" She replies. "I'm glad you have found your ambition but I'm still looking!"

"So, you're actually not going to work with George and I?" Fred asks, sounding betrayed.

"Fred, we already talked about this."

"At least let me be sure you'll be safe! Come hear what Harry has to say--"

"Fred, I don't want to anymore."

"Why?!" He asks back. "You loved it a couple weeks ago!"

"That was before I got dirty looks from everyone--"

"Oh cry me a fucking river!" Fred says loudly. "Since when do you care?"

"I do now."

"Where is that super badass girl I fell in love with?" He asks, confusedly. "Now you're just a pathetic coward!"

It was quiet, the hurt look on her face told Fred that he had gone too far this time. He opened his mouth to apologize but Ebony was faster.

"She died, long ago." She replies in a whisper and hands him the DA coin back before she leaves the kitchen. 


EBONY HAD ACTUALLY MANAGED TO LEAD HER TEAM. They were all becoming perfect students and stayed out of fights with the Gryffindors, no matter how much the red team annoyed them. She had warned her team that she wouldn't hesitate to kick anyone out if they weren't acting normal and since she is the one to hand over responsibility next year, they listened. 

Other Slytherins, however, did whatever they wanted. Someone had even managed to get Alicia Spinnet into the Hospital Wing which made Ebony annoyed but there was nothing she could do about it. The least she could do was keep her team in line and she did. 

She hadn't talked to Fred anymore in the past weeks and it was weighing on the both of them. She avoided him in every corridor, ignored all the pranks and letters he sent and even ignored his stupid attempts to swoon her. 

"Okay, listen up everybody!" Ebony says and catches the attention of her Quidditch Team as they stand ready to begin the match. "We have trained hard and well for this, do not let anything distract you! Gryffindor is known for having a great Seeker, well, we have seven great players. One seeker won't guarantee their win! I believe in you!"

Towers - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now