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THE DAYS AFTER THE MISSION WERE FILLED WITH WEDDING PREPARATIONS. It did not matter to Mrs. Weasley who got married first -- whether it was her eldest son Bill or one of her twin sons Fred -- it was only to keep hope in the people around them. Ebony sat back as she stared at the fire.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Fred asked, sitting down next to her and wrapping an arm around her. Ebony shrugged and turned to look at him.

"Maybe we should just get eloped, I'm not in the mood for a big wedding right now." Ebony muttered to which Fred chuckled.

"No one is." He replied and took her hand in his. "We're in the middle of a war and mum thinks it's a good idea to get a wedding ceremony going." 

"Hello guys." Alyx said as she and Bill joined the two of them in the living room. "Considering Molly is planning an entire wedding, one of us should marry." 

"You think?" Ebony asked with a small smirk.

"Alyx and I have talked and we would rather get eloped, you know? Something small and quick."

"Funny because Ebs said the same thing two minutes ago." Fred told his brother. The four looked at one another and bursted out laughing. 

"Alright, one of us should get married, come on, who will it be?" Alyx asked and looked towards Fred and Ebony. She seemed to want this wedding as much as Ebony herself.

"How about we draw straw?" Fred asked. "The one who will draw the shortest straw has the unfortune of a big wedding planned by my mum." 

"Really? You want us to draw straws?" Bill asked, annoyedly. "I am not letting faith be decided by straws."

"How about we all get married?" Ebony asked and looked up at the three people near her. "I mean, the preparations have already started and maybe it is the only good thing we will have."

"You're on to something." Alyx said with a small nod. "How about we do a double-wedding? Just get it over with so we can all return to fighting the war."

"Honestly, it sounds good to me." Bill replied. "Get it over with is a great idea."

"Two weddings, one ceremony. Talk about consistency." Fred joked to which everyone chuckled.

"Alright, we're telling Molly." Alyx said and pulled Ebony up to her feet. 

They looked through the whole house but managed to find the woman near the back inside the garden. Both women walked towards her with smiles on their faces, they were sure this was the best solution for the problem that was created.

"Ah, dears, have you decided who will get married on this wedding?" Molly asked as she turned to face the two women. Alyx and Ebony looked at one another before nodding.

"We decided to both get married, a double-wedding." Alyx replied, smiling.

"It will make everyone happy, there is one night of partying before the war consumes our lives again." Ebony stated.

"We already spoke with our soon-to-be-husbands and they agreed. It was a much better idea than draw straw." Alyx added with a nod.

"Oh, well, it is a bit unusual, isn't it?" Molly asked but Ebony and Alyx remained smiling at her. "Fine, a double-wedding! What could possibly go wrong?"

After setting this straight and the invitations had officially left the door, Ebony and Alyx went to a muggle wedding store to get their dresses. It was filled with the prettiest ones they had ever seen. Alyx had her family there to help her choose but Ebony chose to bring George, Remus and Tonks since she didn't really have anyone else.

"What do we think?" Ebony asked as she stood in front of them wearing the first dress.

It was a mermaid style with a sweetheart neckline and a pretty flowerpattern on it. Ebony hadn't chosen it, it was Tonk's pick and honestly, she had seen many more beautiful ones but she didn't want to judge before trying them on.

"It looks. . ." George looked her up and down. "Interesting."

"It is. . . flattering." Tonks added with a nod, unsure why she had chosen that dress.

"Alright, I'm just gonna say it because nobody else will, it looks terrible, you're clearly unhappy and we need another one. Now." Remus' honesty reminded her of her father's and suddenly she was incredibly happy to know that he was there.

The second dress was Remus' pick. It was a gown with many feathers and layers. It was wild and fitted his aesthetic but Ebony was sure she would make people's allergies turn up while wearing that big poofy dress. 

"It is so incredibly beautiful." Remus said and clapped his hands in excitement. "You are gorgeous."

"I do not like it." George said, carefully and received a glare from Remus. 

"What do you not like about it?"

"The feathers." George answered Remus' question. 

"What? The feathers are the best part!" Remus protested.

"No, he has a point, sweetheart. She does not need to look like a chicken walking down the aisle." Tonks stated to which Remus huffed.

"Next dress." Ebony muttered quickly before disappearing and returning in George's pick.

Dress number three was a mix between a ball gown and a mermaid dress. The top hugged her skin just right but the bottom bloomed out to a skirt with layers. It wasn't perfectly white and had little diamonds on it but Ebony did not feel very good about it.

"Now, that is a dress!" George stated and smirked happily.

"It is very pretty." Remus agreed. 

"Honey, how do you feel?" Tonks asked and watched her unsure expression.

"It is pretty." 

"But?" Tonks asked again to which Ebony shook her head.

"It's not really me. I do not like the flashing diamonds, I do not like the look of the expensive fabric and I do not like the princess look." She shook her head softly.

"Get dressed into something you like, it is your wedding day." Tonks said.

"She's right, we could give you endless options but at the end of the day, it is your special day." Remus added with a small smile.

"Make sure it represents you in every way, shape and form." George told her with a nod.

The fourth dress had a n off-white color, it was medieval styled and seemed to have a corset top. The sweetheart neckline was not too much to show anything. The corset had white flowers and the skirt wasn't too big but not skintight. The dress had beautiful transparant sleeves. It was insanely pretty.

When Ebony stepped out in the room where her 'family' was sitting, she felt confident and comfortable. The woman who worked at the shop made sure to add the matching headband and veil around her to show them the finished product. She watched as Remus wiped away a few tears, Tonks looked at her with heart-eyes and George blew his nose while crying.

"And, what do you think?" Ebony asked, already knowing the answer as she herself got teary eyes.

"I think that if your father was here right now, he would've fainted at the sight." Remus stated.

"Then I'm sure this is the one."


Written: 27/07/2023

Word Count: 1188

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