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WHEN EBONY ENTERS THE COMMON ROOM SATURDAY MORNING, she sees a piece of parchment hang underneath her notice for the Quidditch Team Try Outs that would be held today. She closes her eyes for a moment and prepares herself for mean words from probably Draco or something along those lines.

Fortunately, when she walks closer to it, she sees a bunch of names written on the parchment and a text on top that catches her eye. 

Quidditch Team Try-Out Registration List!

There were names which she recognized and also names which she hadn't seen before. She takes the list off the notice board and walks towards breakfast. She joins the twins and Lee at the Gryffindor table and smirked when she saw Nadine's name on that very list.

"What is that?" George asks, curiously.

"A registration for everyone who wants to try out for the Quidditch Team today." Ebony replies. 

All three boy's eyes widen when they see how many names are actually written on the list. Ebony even sees Malfoy's name on top which means he really wants to play this season. 

"Damn, you're set with a bunch of great players." Lee says and scans the list again.

"I know, today will be absolutely amazing." She snatches the list back from Lee and begins to eat. "You are all welcome to come watch the competition, of course." She smirks. 


THERE WAS A LOT OF NOISE ON THE QUIDDITCH PITCH. The Gryffindor Quidditch Team had sat down on the stands to check out who would be their competition. In the pitch stand many Slytherins holding their brooms proudly and talking loudly.

"I'm curious how Black will get each one of them to shut up--"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Silence filled their surroundings and the Gryffindors watched in amusement. "We have two hours before lunch so please, spare your conversations for then." 

"Welcome to the Slytherin Quidditch Team Try-Outs, or the SQTTO's as I like to call them." Nobody seems impressed with her so she continues. "As you know, I do not allow cheating in any way, shape or form! I will, however, want to win the cup this year as it is my last chance to do so. Please, split into six groups."

She managed to equally make six teams that would play against one another. She would keep an eye out for technique, skill, reflexes, speed and fair game. She has everything written down to keep track and watches the first two teams play together.

Immediately two people stand out. Pansy is an incredibly quick flyer and tries out for chaser which is completely in her league, meanwhile Malfoy indeed is a great seeker when he isn't distracted by Potter. 

"Switch Teams, please!" Ebony calls out and watches the third and fourth team play. 

Nadine seems to struggle a bit but eventually finds her spirit and manages to show great talent as a Beater. Greengrass has a lot of fun sending beaters towards her fellow classmates which has Ebony writing down her name as well. The most surprising must've been Flora Carrow as the Keeper of that team, she was insane. 

The last two teams that played against each other made Ebony focus on Blaise a lot who seemed to be one of the better chasers. She had made her team and was joyfully watching the last few minutes of the game before she called everyone down. Slytherin has a lot of great players.

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