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JUST AS GEORGE, LEE, FRED AND EBONY HAD PLANNED, the big balloon filled with oil snaps right above the Slytherin table and releases the liquid down onto it's students. Fred mumbles his well-studied spell which creates a mountain of feathers which now tumble down on top of the oil. It makes it stick pretty well to their hair, skin and clothes. 

Many students in the great hall laugh at the well-executed prank the four musketeers had prepared. It looked rather satisfying, seeing how every Slytherin student is now paying for what they had done to Hagrid. When the laughter died down and everyone decides to eat their breakfast, George, Lee, Ebony and Fred keep a close eye on the green-silver table.

Once they have consumed the innocent-looking candies on their plates, the hall bursts out laughing once again. It is a sight to never forget. Not only does every Slytherin student look like a chicken, they also have a beak to compliment it. The four friends high-five each other and sit back in pure satisfaction and victory. 

"WEASLEY, JORDAN AND BLACK!" Professor McGonagall screams loudly as she strides over to the four quickly. She has a strict look on her face but Ebony sees the small smile she is trying to supress.

"Oh, hello Minnie." Ebony says, looking at her with a smirk. "You look rather dashing today." 

"Detention!" But before she walks away, Professor McGonagall winks at the raven-haired girl. 

"That could've been way worse." George comments.

"It's Minnie, she wouldn't take us on too harshly."


GEORGE AND LEE WERE ASSIGNED TO CLEAN THE POTIONS CLASSROOM, while Fred and Ebony had to clean the Transfiguration classroom. It seemed like a fair punishment for the thing they had done, especially considering no one knew how to get rid of the beaks. They are still present on all the Slytherins except for Ebony. 

"Those corrupt sweets really are useful for something." Fred mumbles as he cleans off the dust from the higher shelves. "They deserved it after what they did to Hagrid."

"I enjoyed Draco's yelling the most. The way that pathetic little devil immediately cried out to Snape, iconic." Ebony replies. She sits down on Professor McGonagall's desk as she looks over the classroom. She has been having classes there for six years now, next year will be the last. 

"What are you thinking about, Jamie?" Fred asks, grinning at her. Ebony rolls her eyes at the sound of her middle name being used. 

"Nothing important, Gideon." 

Fred laughs and walks over to her. He pushes her legs apart so he can stand in between them. He looks down at her with those sweet and soft puppy eyes he has. "Tell me." He says. 

"How small we were when we received our very first class in this classroom." Ebony replies, remembering the day she sat next to him for the very first time. "How much has changed since then." Fred hums.

"We were quite small." He agrees. "If only we knew." He adds, taking her hand in his.

"We'd be really grossed out." Ebony tells him to which Fred laughs. 

"We would be." 

"Next year will be our last." Ebony says. 

"I know. It's weird to think, huh?" Fred asks. "But. . . if everything goes according to plan, we'd be opening a joke shop and what would you be doing?" 

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