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CHRISTMAS BREAK WAS GOING BY RATHER QUICKLY. It had been like that every year so this time it wasn't much different. Ebony enjoyed the break quite a lot, more than she had expected she would. . . at least, until one of the last nights of their stay.

She watched as Cedric stood in front of her with that kind smile he always had on his face. They had been talking while walking in the forest near their house. It was a nice feeling. She had forgotten how much she missed her brother but this brought it all back.

Suddenly a dark mist appeared out of nowhere and none other than Voldemort appeared in front of the two. Ebony reached for her wand but realized she didn't have it on her. She usually always has her wand on her. Voldemort raised his and looked Cedric dead in the eye.

"Avada Kedavra!" He hissed and before she knew it, she watched a green spark travel through Cedric's body before he fell to the ground.

Ebony shoots awake, heavy breathing leaves her mouth and makes her chest rise and fall very fast. She doesn't know what to do, the only thing she can think of happens. She apparates without muttering out the word and stands in front of a sleeping ginger. 

"Fred?" She asks and shakes his body gently. "Fred, please wake up." He groans and squirms away from her for a moment. He hears soft sobs come from her and immediately sits up. 

"Ebs? What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry but I didn't know what to do." She tries to stop crying, to keep herself in control but it was much harder than she thought it would be. 

Fred stands up and immediately pulls her against his chest. He rubs up and down her back gently and rests his chin on top of her head. He begins to sway the both of them from side to side and waits patiently for her to calm down.

"I had a nightmare." Ebony whispers, remembering suddenly that he shares a room with George. "I'm sorry for waking you, it's so stupid--"

"Do not apologize." Fred whispers back. "I don't care that you wake me up, I don't care  whatever happened is stupid. If you need me, I'll be there for you." 

It is comforting to have someone like Fred in your life. Ebony was very grateful for his existence at that very moment. She was also thankful for apparition but that was a different thought.

"You don't have to go, you can stay here for a little while." 

"What about George?" Ebony asks when they pull away from each other.

"George isn't here." Fred replies and nods towards the empty bed. Ebony frowns. "He has been apparating almost every night to see Alicia Spinnet."

"Alicia?" Ebony asks him with a confused frown.

"Yeah, he said they're casual." Fred states and sits down on his bed. He pats the spot next to him and Ebony gladly takes the invite to sit down. 

"When I heard your conversation with your dad the other day about what you want to become when Hogwarts ends. . . I realized how amazingly selfish I have really been." Fred says and begins to fiddle with the bracelet around his wrist.

"I wanted you to be safe because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you but maybe safety isn't always the best choice. I know that now." He reaches over for something on his nightstand before he sits back normally. "If you ever change your mind about the DA or are just curious about it, here." He hands her the coin he had wanted to give her when their first fight happened.

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