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EVERYONE IS WEARING BADGES ON THEIR CLOTHES WHICH BOTH SUPPORT CEDRIC AND BRING HARRY DOWN. Ebony didn't want to wear them, sure, she supports Cedric but she also believes that Harry didn't put his name in that goblet. Why would he? She is walking down the corridor when she hears two sets of spells being casted.

"Furnunculus!" Harry yells.

"Densaugeo!" screams Malfoy.

Jets of light shoot from both wands, hit each other in mid-air, and ricochet off at angles – Harry's hits Goyle in the face, and Malfoy's hits Hermione. Goyle bellows and puts his hands to his nose, where great ugly boils are springing up – Hermione, whimpering in panic, is clutching her mouth.

"Hermione!" Ron has hurried forwards to see what was wrong with her.

Ebony looks over and sees Ron dragging Hermione's hand away from her face. It isn't a pretty sight. Hermione's front teeth – already larger than average – are now growing at an alarming rate; she is looking more and more like a beaver as her teeth elongate, past her bottom lip, towards her chin – panic-stricken, she feels them, and lets out a terrified cry.

"And what is all this noise about?" a soft, deadly voice asks. Snape has arrived.

The Slytherins clamour to give their explanations. Snape points a long yellow finger at Malfoy and says, "Explain."

"Potter attacked me, sir –"

"We attacked each other at the same time!" Harry shouts."

"– and he hit Goyle – look –"

Snape examines Goyle, whose face now resembles something that would have been at home in a book on poisonous fungi.

"Hospital wing, Goyle," Snape says calmly.

"Malfoy got Hermione!" Ron says. "Look!"

He forced Hermione to show Snape her teeth – she is doing her best to hide them with her hands, though this was difficult as they had now grown down past her collar. Pansy Parkinson and the other Slytherin girls are doubled up with silent giggles, pointing at Hermione from behind Snape's back.

Snape looks coldly at Hermione, then says, "I see no difference."

"Pure favouritism, as usual." Ebony says, walking forward. "As a prefect, I am the most loyal person to tell you what had happened since I witnessed every single thing." She states. "Malfoy attacked Harry  at the same time Harry attacked him. Their spells clashed as one does and backfired on Goyle and Hermione. If you won't be a neutral judge, I'll go and speak with Professor McGonagall about this instead." Snape glares down at her.

"Fine, Potter and Malfoy both have detention after class." He mutters before walking away. Pansy and her friends glare at Ebony who glares back, shutting them up and scaring them away.

"Weasley." Ebony says, turning to Ron. "Would you mind accompanying Granger to the Hospital Wing?"

"No, I'll do it." Ron and Hermione leave the scene and walk down the corridor leaving Harry and Ebony alone.

"Thank you, you're a life saver." Harry says, Ebony smiles.

"Don't worry, I like to embarrass Snivellus, he annoys me just as much as he annoys you." 

"You're not wearing the badges." Harry points out, referring to the new ones that support her brother. 

"No, I can support Cedric without being rude to you."

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