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NEWTS WERE COMING CLOSER. The teachers were no longer setting them homework; lessons were devoted to reviewing those topics their teachers thought most likely to come up in the exams. Ebony reviewed the same topics over and over until she couldn't think about anything else anymore. It was only when she stood in front of the Great Hall that she started panicking.

Once breakfast was over, the fifth and seventh years milled around in the entrance hall while the other students went off to lessons. Then, at half-past nine, they were called forward class by class to re-enter the Great Hall, which was now arranged exactly as Ebony remembers it had been during her O.W.L.s.

The four House tables had been removed and replaced instead with many tables for one, all facing the staff-table end of the Hall where Professor McGonagall stood facing them. When they were all seated and quiet she said, "You may begin," and turned over an enormous hourglass on the desk beside her, on which were also spare quills, ink bottles, and rolls of parchment.

Ebony turns over her parchment with a racing heart but when she saw that most questions were multiple choice, she relaxed. Her head was recalling all the things she had been studying alone or with Cedric in front of his portrait. She remembers the most random things she had learned ages ago but were extremely useful in completing this quiz.

It went incredibly well and during lunch, Ebony read some more spells for her practical exams which would be held afterwards. It was only when she stands inside the small room next to the Great Hall that she realizes the mistake she had just made. The wand she brought for her exams was the wand she made in Ollivanders. 

She cursed herself under her breath and felt around her robes in hopes of finding her usual wand but unfortunately, she must've left it in her dorm. She felt incredibly stupid, especially since she hadn't really been training with this wand as Ollivander had asked her to do. 

"Please be nice to me." She whispered under her breath as she was called forwards. 

"Please cast the advanced transformation spell." McGonagall says to her. She points her wand towards the bunny in front of her, without a word leaving her lips, the bunny changes into a serpent. "That is. . . exceptional." McGonagall comments. Ebony frowns at herself but resumes her posture.

"The slow time spell." 

Again, without as much uttering a word, the time slows down and everything and everyone around her and professor McGonagall seems to go twice as slow as usual. She eyes Ebony up and down and writes some notes before she lets go of the spell and time resumes as normal.

"Tell me, can you cast a patronus successfully?" 

Ebony doesn't know why it happens but when a white falcon appears from thin air she feels more and more powerful. She would've loved to see Fred and George's faces if they were there. Again, Professor McGonagall doesn't reply, she simply scribbles something down. 

"You are excused." 


WHEN EBONY FINALLY ARRIVED IN HER DORMROOM, she felt more relieved than ever. It was like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders but at the same time she feared for what the wand she now owned would be able to put her through. It wasn't everyday that she could perfectly cast non-verbal spells like that and it made her nervous.

She opens her book and looks up Rowan Wood and Horned Serpent Horn cores. 

Rowan wood has always been a prized and much-favoured due to its reputation for being more protective than any other wood. It was noted to have rendered all manner of Defensive Charms especially strong and difficult to break.

Rowan was also noted for its believed disassociation with the Dark Arts. Ollivander, who had a nearly photographic memory when it came to the wands he had sold, could not recall a single instance of a wizard he had sold a rowan wand to ever becoming evil or turning to the Dark Arts.

Rowan is most happily placed with the clear-headed and the pure-hearted, though Ollivander noted that this reputation for virtue ought not to fool anyone – these wands could equally match, often the better, and even frequently out-perform others in duels. 

This was not a lie. Ebony had experienced how quickly her wand reacted to her thoughts and how fast it was able to cast the perfect spell even before she spoke out something. Maybe she had done good about choosing her own wood. 

Horned Serpent Horn. This core was exceptionally powerful, sensitive to and vibrated when Parseltongue was being spoken, and could warn their owners of danger by emitting a low musical tone.

Horned Serpent Horn is exceptionally stubborn and do whatever they want and only bond with whoever they deem worthy of their ownership. These wands usually refuse to bond with simple wizards and witches and seek powerful souls with complex minds.

Horned Serpent Horn is famous for its logical and quick magic in dark situations and make for the best companions whenever one is faced with danger. These wands are true protectors and especially useful in duels.

So, she just made a wand that could literally safe her life one day. Ebony decided to leave her wand on her nightstand, she didn't want to injure herself while she was asleep or perhaps dreaming about something. She wasn't very familiar with it yet. 


EBONY HADN'T FELT AS GOOD AS TODAY. She feels incredibly relieved even though the news of McGonagall being transferred to St. Mungo's Hospital brought some hell upon her. Poor professor took a couple terrible spells on her and it was wonderous she was still alive.

"Do you think maybe we can always feel like this?" Lee asks as the two of them are chilling in the courtyard. "This must be the best feeling ever, right?"

"I mean, I sure as hell feel amazing!" Ebony replies with a smirk. "I have managed to earn the Quidditch Cup, we just did our NEWTs and I have a good feeling about those--"

"The only thing missing is a boyfriend." 

"Where does that suddenly come from?" Ebony asks him, a frown takes over on her face. 

"It comes from the fact that Fred loves you and you obviously still like him back." Lee explains. "Why did you two break up in the first place?" 

"I'm not sure." Ebony replies with a shrug. "I think the two of us were stressed because of NEWTs and Umbridge and the DA and the bullying. . . maybe we were hard on each other. A bit too hard."

"So hard that it led to a break up?"

"You didn't see us, Lee." Ebony says. "We looked like monsters. Every time we were alone together, we were arguing. It was almost like we couldn't have a normal conversation anymore."

"It's a phase, most couples go through it. Only a few are able to get passed it."

"I'm going to my dorm. See you around, Lee." He nods and watches her leave. 

Ebony walks through the corridor with a sense of relief, especially when she enters the common room and sees everyone just talking and joking instead of studying. She enters her dorm and sees a small note on her desk. Ebony walks towards it and picks it up.

'Sirius Black was captured by Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic'


Written: 09/06/2023

Word Count: 1231

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