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IT IS THE DAY OF THE THIRD TASK. Ebony shouldn't be nervous, she isn't the one competing to become the champion of the Triwizard Tournament but she can't hide her nerves at all. She stands with Amos in the hall while waiting for Cedric to turn up. 

"You'll do great." Amos tells his son, grabbing both his shoulders and smiling wildly at the boy. "We have faith in you, boy."

"I promise, I won't let you down." Cedric promises. 

"Nonsense, you would never let us down." Amos replies. "I'm already ecstatic that I can say my son is a champion! I wish you good luck and be careful out there. I heard it could be very dangerous." 

"It can be quite dangerous but we're all pretty used to it by now, aren't we, Ebs?" Cedric asks.


"Now, let's get to breakfast, shall we?" Amos asks and walks into the Great Hall. Cedric and Ebony laugh before following him through the doors. Ebony sees Mrs. Weasley and Bill sit at the Gryffindor table. Apparently they have come for Harry. 

"Hey, love. How about I introduce you to my mum as my official girlfriend?" Fred asks, appearing by her side. 

"Would that make you happy?" Ebony asks, knowingly.


"Well, okay, then--" She can't finish her sentence. Fred is excited and drags her towards his mom and older brother with a big grin on his face. 

"Mum! You know Ebony Black, right?" He asks, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Mrs. Weasley looks up and immediately jumps to her feet at the sight. 

"Ebony, dear!" She says. Fred lets go of his girlfriend and watches how she is currently squashed in the big bear hug from Molly Weasley. "I was absolutely thrilled when Fred told me the news about you two! I always knew you'd become part of our family one way or another!" She finally lets go of her and sits back down. "Are you joining us for breakfast?"

"Sorry, Amos is here for Cedric so I'm actually going to be with them all day long." Ebony replies.

"Oh, well, you can always come visit over summer." Mrs. Weasley states. 

"Wanna meet my 'dad'." Ebony asks, making a clear sign that Amos is not her real father but caretaker. 

"Sure. Sounds good." Fred states, happily. They walk to the Hufflepuff table and grab Amos' attention. 

"Oh, you must be Fred Weasley!" Amos says, excitedly while shaking Fred's hand. "I'm Amos, I have heard a lot of good things about you." Ebony smiles. Amos suddenly pulls Fred a lot closer. "If you ever dare to hurt her. . . I will tear you apart." 

"Amos, he knows, he knows." 

"What is it with people threatening me?" Fred asks, looking down at his girlfriend who shrugs innocently. 


EBONY HAD JOINED FRED AND HIS FAMILY ON THE STANDS OF THE QUIDDITCH PITCH. A twenty-foot-high hedge runs all the way around the edge of it. There is a gap right in front of the champions; the entrance to the vast maze. The passage beyond it looks dark and creepy.

Five minutes later, the stands have began to fill; the air is full of excited voices and the rumbling of feet as the hundreds of students file into their seats. The sky is a deep, clear blue now, and the first stars are starting to appear. Hagrid, Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick come walking into the stadium and approach Bagman and the champions. They are wearing large, red, luminous stars on their hats, all except Hagrid, who has his on the back of his moleskin waistcoat.

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