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EBONY HAD REALIZED THAT SHE SHARES A ROOM THIS YEAR WITH NADINE. It was good to know since she finally has made a friend in her own house. She also got to know that Nadine had befriended some Ravenclaw students and that's who she hangs out with a lot. 

When the two girls enter the Slytherin common room that morning, a bunch of students stand in front of the notice board. They squeeze themselves in there to look at the new notice that had been put up overnight and caught everyone's attention.

All Slytherin students are from now on expected to show the right example to other less-rewarded students around the school. Each and everyone of them shall wear their uniforms correctly at all times and never come late or a heavy punishment will await them.

"Are they absolutely crazy?" Ebony hears someone say from behind her. "They can't just come into our common room and put up this nonsense, can they?"

"This is unbelievable!" Someone else shouts. 

It's clear that many people aren't really agreeing with the new terms on the notice board. Ebony and Nadine leave the common room and walk to the Great Hall in silence. Once they arrive, they wave 'goodbye' to each other and go to their friends. Nadine sits at the Ravenclaw table and Ebony kisses her boyfriend's cheek before sitting down next to him.

"Good morning, Freddie."

"Morning, pumpkin." Fred replies, happily. "I saw you made a friend at the Slytherin table yesterday."

"Nadine is chill. We share a dorm now." Ebony replies. "Did you guys have a notice on your board too?"

"Be more specific please." George says.

"We are expected to wear our uniforms perfectly and to be the best examples for other houses."

"What?" Lee asks, confusedly. "Why?"

"I don't know." Ebony replies, she shrugs. "We'll figure it out, though." 

Professor McGonagall is moving along the table, handing all the students their schedules. She hands one to Ebony as well and winks at her. She smiles and takes it. 

"This year is going to be a nightmare." Lee mumbles.

"Not if you're here just to do some marketing and advertising." George replies, smirking. 

Ebony rolls her eyes, playfully. They had gotten a bunch of galleons from Harry because he had won the Triwizard Tournament. The twins already bought a shop in Diagon Alley and are currently waiting for it to be able to open up. Ebony had to find out when she heard them talk late at night. Apparently they didn't want to talk about it around her considering what happened to Cedric. 

"I'm going to finish my studies like a boss. It means I'll have to study a lot." Ebony says. "I also have to manage to Quidditch Cup this year. I'm not leaving unless I win that thing."

"Good luck, you'll be playing against us." Fred says, grinning.

"I'm very well aware, I will still win." She leans closer, kisses his lips and stands up. "I'm off to Ancient Runes. See you later."

"Want me to walk with you and carry your books?" Fred asks, laughing.

"Don't you dare."


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