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EBONY DECIDED TO STAY AWAY FROM MRS. WEASLEY FOR A WHILE. She realized how much she disliked the woman yesterday so instead, she's reading a book in the dark living room of the house. She enjoys the peace as everyone is too scared to come in because there could be an infestation. . . almost everyone.

"I was wondering where you were hiding." Remus' amused voice sounds from the doorway. 

Ebony looks up from her book and smiles at him. 

"Mind if I join you?" 

Ebony shakes her head and closes her book. Remus walks forward and sits down on one of the old armchairs which must've cost a fortune back in the day.

"School will start in a couple of days. . . I was wondering if you are ready to return?" Remus asks carefully. Ebony sighs. Lately everyone has been treating her like she's made of glass.

"I will be fine, don't worry." She assures him. "Besides, it's my final year, it should be good."

"Dumbledore made sure to let us know that if you need some extra weeks, you're granted to have some more time--"

"I don't want to stay here." Ebony replies. "Don't get me wrong, I love the feeling of being around family but. . . it's grey and sombre here. . . I rather go to school."

"I understand." Remus tells her. "Make sure to tell Professor McGonagall if you need a day off or something." 

"I will, stop worrying."

"I'll always worry about you." Remus states. "You're as much my family as you are Molly's."

"I don't like the way she talked to Sirius." Ebony admits, looking down and fiddling with her sleeves. "She needs to be very careful." 

"I saw you glare at her during the conversation yesterday." Remus says, grinning. "You reminded me a lot of Sirius in that moment. You have similar glares."

"People tell me I look very scary when I glare at people. I assume he hears the same thing."

"Constantly." Remus confirms. "So, what extra classes do you take this year." 

"I dropped Care of Magical Creatures since I won't be doing anything with that in the future." Ebony replies. "I only have Advanced Ancient Runes and Advanced Arithmancy." 

"Good luck, I remember Arithmancy. . . the N.E.W.T. exams were pure hell." 

"I'll manage, I always do." Ebony tells him. "Besides, I'm about to create an entirely new Quidditch team considering I have kicked all the lousy players and cheaters off." 

"I bet you'll make a difference this year. I can see a Slytherin revolution starting." Remus jokes.

"I'll make sure we play fairly and for fun instead of hurting others to ensure the win." 

"That's my girl!" 





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