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ALYX'S FAMILY HAD ARRIVED AROUND 10 O'CLOCK, the morning sun was shining down on the already decorated garden. The young blonde woman ran towards her parents and siblings and received a bunch of hugs. Ebony stared through the window at the scene that unfolded in the garden.

There was a feeling of envy inside of her, how she would've loved her own father to be present at the wedding. Unfortunately, her life turned out to be much more gruesome than-- Ebony frowned when she watched Alyx obviously angrily yelling at her own father. She didn't know what was going on but she walked downstairs.

"Alyx has told me she had a lot of trouble with her dad growing up but she was excited for him to be here." Bill mumbled to the other redhead next to him. "I'm sure he did something else to piss her off. She isn't very forgiving--"

"Charles!" Ebony shouted and made the long-haired man next to Bill turn around.

"Ebony!" They hugged one another, it had been years since she'd actually seen him and she remembered when she was a first year and he was scowling the school halls trying to help the new kids. 

"I'm glad you're here!"

"I wouldn't miss it. Two of my brothers getting married and my secret little sister." Charlie stated with a smirk as they pulled away. "It is a wonder how long you have managed to stay with Fred."

"Ebs!" George yelled as he ran inside with Ginny excitedly. "Ready to get your dress, hair and make-up done?" 

Ebony looked nervously towards Bill and Charlie before nodding at George and Ginny. They excitedly dragged her away towards the youngest Weasley's bedroom to get her ready. Meanwhile, Ebony knew, Hermione and Molly would be helping Alyx.

When her raven hair was slightly braided and a flower crown was added to her head and when her neutral yet cute make-up painted her face, Remus and Tonks knocked on the door. George opened it and let the couple enter.

"You already look so beautiful." Remus stated with a smile as he looked at her. "I can't believe you're getting married." He reached up and began to wipe away his tears. Ebony grinned.

"Seems like I do not need my dad considering you are crying just as he would too." Ebony joked to which Remus shook his head and walked out, continuing to cry.

"He's an emotional wolf." Tonks stated with a smirk. "I wish you a lot of luck." And with that, she dragged George outside as well. Ginny smiled at her and nodded towards the dress.

"Seems like we're finally putting you in there." She said excitedly. 

Ginny had not yet seen Ebony in her wedding dress but when she came back out from the bathroom and wore it so well, the ginger girl couldn't help but feel jealous towards her. It felt as if everything fitted together like puzzle pieces. The dress (photo at the bottom) was one Ginny had seen in her wildest dreams.

"You can say whatever you want about muggles but they do know how to make wedding dresses look special." Ginny stated. Ebony hummed at her words. "Nervous?"

"Insanely." Ebony mumbled back and walked towards the window. A spell prevented anyone from looking inside but she could still see everyone waiting inside the yard. 

"It's time." Alyx said and appeared in the doorway. "I finally managed to get Molly downstairs so she wouldn't see the dress yet." Alyx sister stood in front of her, she was pretty and wore a dress that looked like Ginny's in the same lavender color. They were the chosen flower girls. 

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