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"YOU DID WHAT?" Ebony asks loudly when she is standing in front of the Weasley twins. Today is the second Hogsmeade trip which she will sneak off to but the boys had just told her about how they had given the Marauders Map to Harry. 

"Come on, Ebs, we know that map inside out." George replies, shrugging. "We felt like poor Harry needed it more than us."

"Yeah, besides, we were the ones to snatch it from Filch's office so really it was our map." Ebony wants nothing more than to smack both Fred and George but she decides to leave it.

"Fine, whatever." She says bitterly. The twins leave to go to Hogsmeade while she stays behind. That map was basically a family heirloom of hers. She had realized it only a couple of days ago but the name 'Moony' always sounded familiar to her. It was Professor Lupin's nickname. 

She makes her way to the third floor, ignoring the sting in her chest as she now knows she lost the map forever. A figure is already standing in front of the one-eyed witch statue, Ebony can tell by it's feet. She figures it must be Harry under some sort of invisibility spell or something. She walks past him and takes her wand. 

"Dissendium." The statue's hump opens and she hears a gasp behind her. Ebony turns around and faces none other than Harry who is holding a cloak. An invisibility cloak

"How did you do that?"

"You heard the spell, didn't you, Potter?" Ebony asks back before sneaking into the secret passage way. Harry follows her suit. 

"But, how did you know about it?"

"Before you had the damn map, I had it." She fights the urge to mutter 'fool' and simply continues her walk. 

"Is this how you helped your father sneak inside the--"

"Are you kidding me?" Ebony asks, turning to face the shocked boy who is apparently very startled at the sudden raise in her voice. "How could you possibly believe that I helped that man get inside the castle? I thought you knew better!"

"Everyone thinks it. It's only fair for me to think it too."

"That's your excuse?" Ebony asks, tauntingly. "Well, in that case, everyone in Slytherin house despises you and your fellow Gryffindors... guess I will hate you too because everyone does." 

"That's not what I meant."

"It's exactly what you meant, Potter." She replies, annoyedly. "Perhaps I should congratulate you on the Quidditch game from a couple of weeks ago... nobody can fall better off their broom than you." Ebony knows her words are getting to the boy, she sees his jaw clench in anger.

"You're one to talk, you didn't even try to play. You're a coward." 

"Oh yes, that must be it." Ebony sighs. "I am scared of you." 

"Aren't you?" Harry asks, his tone getting dangerously close to arrogance. Ebony scoffs.

"Me? The daughter of a mass murderer? Afraid of you? Nah, didn't think so."

"You carry your name as if you're proud."

"I am." Ebony replies, smirking to herself. "Black carries generations of pure-blooded wizards and witches all of which became Death Eaters. Maybe one day I'll follow in their footsteps and make sure you turn to dust before reaching the grand age of 20."

"That's what you want to do with your life? Follow Voldemort into his downfall?" Harry asks, he has gotten officially angry.

"I mean, if it gives me a chance to get rid of you then yes."

Towers - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now