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EBONY HAD FINALLY CONVINCED FRED TO LET HER GO TO HER DORM TO FIGURE SOME THINGS OUT AS A HUGE PARTY WOULD BE THROWN IN THE GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM. She made it to her dorm safely and puts the letter she had gotten from Remus down on her desk.

She frowns when she sees the envelope in which Sirius' previous letter had arrived and suddenly it clicks in her mind. The familiar handwriting on the envelope was Remus'. They are together. Is that even a good idea? The Ministry would probably search Remus' house continuously since they 'used' to be best friends. 

Ebony shrugs and sits down on her bed, looking around to try and find Smokey but her cat seems nowhere to be seen. Where is she? There is no other way out of the room except for the door which -- to her knowledge -- had been closed since yesterday night. 

Ebony starts to look around, searching underneath her desk, under her bed and in the bathroom which is attached to the small dorm but she finds nothing, that is, until she sees the outline of a passage way imprinted in the wall. 

The girl quickly scrambles to take the Marauders Map from her closet where she had hidden it in case anyone would come inside her dorm and sniffle around. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The ink spreads, revealing many different footsteps. She ultimately finds her own and just as she had expected, the map shows a passage way in front of her. A small text appears.

'The button under the closet

Ebony frowns and lays down on her floor. She clutches her wand in her hand and mumbles the spell -- Lumos -- before a small light erupts from the tip. She sees a small button and presses it. The wall crumbles and reveals a small passage way, just enough room for her to crawl. She puts the map down and transforms into her Animagus form -- a wolf -- and walks inside. 

The wall behind her builds itself back up perfectly as if there had never been an entrance there. For some reason there is a bit of light though she has no clue where it comes from. Ebony follows her way down and after what feels like an eternity, she arrives at the end where a shutter is above her. She transforms back to her human form and pushes it open before crawling out. 

Her eyes widen when she realizes that she had arrived inside the kitchen. This is the coolest thing ever. Some House Elves turn to look at her but don't say a thing, as if her appearing in there out of nowhere is the most normal thing they had seen today. Sirius. He must've used that passage way to get inside the Slytherin common room last year and put the Christmas presents in her room. Smart.

Smokey suddenly appears next to her, Ebony chuckles. "How did you find out about that button, huh?" She asks, petting her cat gently. It all makes sense.


EBONY SIGHS DURING POTIONS, her head filled with the upcoming Christmas break. She feels as though she really needs this to let go of the work load her teachers decided to put on all sixth year students this year.

"May I have your attention, please?" Snape asks, everyone quiets down and listens to their professor though Ebony is sure he is about to hand them more homework. "The Yule Ball is approaching – a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialise with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth-years and above – although you may invite a younger student if you wish –"

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