Ch 28. Interrupted Plan

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Y/N is searching for somebody around the house for certain kind of advice. He hears voices coming from the kitchen. He identifies the voices of Logan, Ororo, Hank and Piotr. Y/N gets in the kitchen to see them chatting around the kitchen island.

"Good morning, Y/N." Hank greets the teen, and everybody did the same.

"Good morning." Y/N responds. He joins the group around the kitchen island. "I need some advice for something..."

"Then ask Y/N." Ororo responds kindly.

"Well, I'm interested in somebody... romantically."

Everybody snaps their heads towards Y/N, surprised with the sudden announcement.



"With whom!?"


Y/N takes a second to let everybody calm down. "I'm interested in Scott."

Everybody but Logan smiles. "Really?"

Ororo snaps back at Logan and gives him a jab in the stomach, which let him a painful noise. "Shut up." She looks back at Y/N with a smile. "We're happy for you Y/N."

"Thanks." Y/N is somewhat bothered by Logan's reaction, though he ignores it for now. "I'm not sure if he likes me that way, so I wanted to ask him to go on a date. Do you have any advice?"

"I always like to give flowers." Hank shares his opinion.

Logan rolls his eyes. "That's way too cliché."

"And still, I'm the one that is in a relationship." Hank calls Logan out.

"That's a nice thing for giving to girls, but we're dealing with a guy." Ororo points out to Hank. She looks again at Y/N. "You just have to go with Scott and have a good time. Try to make it slightly romantic and then ask him out."

"Won't that freak him out?" Piotr asks.

Ororo let out a short laugh. "I don't want to brag, but I'm quiet experienced in this line of field, so I know what I'm doing."

"Fair, but I think Y/N should do something different." Piotr looks at Y/N. "Ororo is trying to focus on who you're dating, but we need to focus on yourself. Now, whether the person is a girl or guy, they love strong men. Just show off how strong you are, and Scott will love you."

Y/N wanted to respond, but Hank quickly intervenes, though he didn't notice that. "Y/N can't lift up a bus like you can."

"But he's still strong." Piotr argues. "We train together. I know what he's capable off."

"And then what?" Ororo asks. "Workout in front of Scott?"

"Yes. Like I said, everybody loves a strong man." Piotr reminds them again. Ororo let out a sigh in responds.

"You people are making things more complicated than it actually is." Logan tiredly joins in. "Just ask him out and don't make a fuss of it."

"But that isn't romantic at all." Ororo argues.

"That's by far the worst suggestion." Hank insults Logan.

"And dancing around the subject is a good way to ask someone out?" Logan doubts the group.

"It's not dancing around the subject." Ororo responds.

"Yes, it is." Logan takes a firm stance.

"Just do my idea Y/N." Piotr looks back at the teen, who is somewhat puzzled what is happening. "Trust me. Back in my hometown, I was the most popular guy around and all women wish to be with me."

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